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What for did he sing 'little bird, little bird'? One little bird was enough. I could a-stood one little bird. But no, he must sing two little birds. I gave 'm a chanst. I went to him almighty polite and requested him kindly to discard one little bird. I pleaded with him. There was witnesses that testified to that. "An' Ferguson was no jay-throated songster," some one spoke up from the crowd.

"Never having had a child about, I s'pect likely they may," said Mrs. Bates, dryly. "Why, you little fool! I think likely it's the children I am pinin' for most, though I couldn't a-stood it much longer without YOU. Will you get ready and come with me to-day?" "Yes," said Kate, "if I can make it.

But Mallston looked into his eyes with a preoccupied mind, and said, as to the only person present who would appreciate the depth of the remark, "I couldn't a-stood that, by jeeminy!" Tears stood in his big bovine eyes. The group dispersed, many glad to have enjoyed such a genuine sensation, Mrs.

"I knew I didn't have no business hirin' a man thet can't ride," he said. "Why thet there Brazos pony never did stumble, an' if he'd of stumbled he'd a-stood aroun' a year waitin' to be caught up agin. I jest cain't figger it out no ways how thet there tenderfoot bookkeeper lost him. He must a-shooed him away with a stick. An' saddle an' bridle an' all gone too. Doggone it!"

She ran her eyes aloft, spar by spar, past the spars of hollow steel to the wooden royals, which bent in the gusts like bows in some invisible archer's hands. "They're remarkably good sticks of timber," was her comment. "Well may you say it, Miss West," he agreed. "I'd never a-believed they'd a-stood it myself. But just look at 'm! Just look at 'm!" There was no breakfast for the men.

We halted, with a glad realization that we were back in our own haunts and that Peg Bowen had not caught us. "Oh, wasn't that an awful experience?" gasped Cecily, shuddering. "I wouldn't go through it again I couldn't, not even for Pat." "It come on a fellow so suddent," said Peter shamefacedly. "I think I could a-stood my ground if I'd known she was going to come out.

I've got a-plenty. You sure fooled us thorough. Was it Sam gave us away?" "No, Bill. Curly overheard Soapy and Blackwell at Chalkeye's Place. Sam stood pat, though you were planning to murder him." "I wasn't in on that, Luck didn't know a thing about it till after the boy was shot. I wouldn't a-stood for it." "He wasn't shot. Curly saved him. He had to give you away to do it." "Good enough.