Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 18, 2025
The level, gray eyes looked questioningly at the sheriff. "You butted into grief a-plenty when you lined up with the cattlemen in this sheep war. Who do you ride for?" "I'm not riding for anybody," responded Fraser. "I just arrived from Texas. Didn't even know there was a feud on." Brandt laughed incredulously. "That will sound good to a jury, if your case ever comes to that stage.
Here they had shooting, fishing, and cruising a-plenty. The author's thorough knowledge of these waters was the probable reason for starting his two sealers from this port in search of valuable sealing-grounds in the polar seas. The schooners and their captains were American.
"She's a girl from back home. Funny! I'd never taken much notice of her before." "You took a-plenty back there. You've raised your average awful high. I'll say it!" "I hardly knew what I was doing." "Didn't you? We did!" "Since then sometimes I forget what we're here for." "Don't worry, kid! You'll be told."
He had her horse saddled, and was giving a final pull at the latigos when she came out in her riding clothes. "Cinch him up tight," she commanded. "Take a good pull at it; he's getting too foxy." Beaver Boy grunted as Casey put his strength on the strap and the broad cinch bit into his glossy skin. "And that's loose a-plenty," said his mistress. "He blows himself up like a turkey gobbler.
Badger took a look at Juanita, and something like a gleam of admiration came into his big brown eyes. "Juanita, you sure have my sympathy a-plenty," he observed. "You don't want to marry him?" "Oh, no, no, señor!" replied the frightened girl. "Well, then I opine I'll drop him out of the window. That may jar him some."
In an instant Randerson was inside the cabin. Ruth lay prone, where she had fallen. Randerson, pale, grim-lipped, leaned over her. "Fainted!" he decided. He stepped to the man and turned him over roughly. "Chavis," he ejaculated, his lips hardening. "Bored a-plenty!" he added, with vindictive satisfaction. He saw Ruth's weapon, noted the gash in Chavis' forehead, and smiled.
"Well, go to it," returned Wiley after a long, defiant silence, "and I hope you stick him a-plenty!" "Why, what's the matter?" inquired the Widow, brushing Virginia away again and swaggering up to his bed. "I thought you and Blount were good friends." "Yeh, guess again," replied Wiley grimly. "I'll tell him the mine shows up fine." "Well, it does!" she asserted.
"When folks has enough to keep un busy they never gets lonesome, and bein' idle is like wastin' a part of life. A man could never be lonesome where there's plenty o' water and woods about. I always finds jobs a-plenty to turn my hand to, and I has no time to feel lonesome. And I never could live where I didn't have room enough to stretch, whatever." "That's it!" Doctor Joe spoke decisively.
"Sure," agreed Curtis promptly, "but what isn't in the city press doesn't get to the mass of the public; that's a cinch. There will be some thousands or even tens of thousands who will leave; there'll be rumors a-plenty; there'll be the damnedest row since the Crusades but the people will stick. I'm taking your word for the danger." "Well, I'm the hostage," Darrow reminded him.
"I'm going to take you back to the boys that are combing these hills for you. They'll do all that's done." The prisoner's sneer went out of commission. He did not need to ask what Arizona cowpunchers would do to him under the circumstances. "I figured your size was about a twenty-two not big enough to fight it out alone with me. Once is a-plenty."
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