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Oleander dined and spent the evening at the Walraven palace, and talked about his ward's second flight with her distressed guardian, and opined she must have gone off to gratify some whim of her own, and laughed in his sleeve at the two anxious faces before him, and departed at ten, mellow with wine and full of hope for the future. Early next morning Dr.

With the bright moon shining across the huge oleander beneath which I had again taken cover, I listened intently. But De Gex speaking with his guest was too far off for me to distinguish anything he said. That he treated her with the greatest courtesy was apparent. And that he spoke to her with the most entire confidence I realized by my own observation.

She spoke defiantly; but her heart was going in great, suffocating plunges against her side, now that the supreme moment had come. "Then, Mollie, behold your husband!" With a theatrical flourish he whipped off slouched hat, flowing beard and wig, dropped the disguising cloak, and stood before her revealed Dr. Guy Oleander! She gave one gasping cry, no more.

"And if it turns out to be Sardonyx or Oleander and I have a presentiment that it's the latter what then?" "'Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. I don't believe it is either. From what you tell me of them, I am sure neither would behave so honorably at the last keeping his promise and fetching you home." "There is something in that," said Mollie, thoughtfully.

Oleander looked at her suspiciously as he drew up before the frowning gate. "It is lonely," he said, carelessly. "I told you so, you remember; but, from its very loneliness, all the better for my too excitable patient." Mrs. Sharpe's face seemed to say she thought it might be more conducive to begetting melancholy madness than curing it, but her tongue said nothing.

Oleander. The doctor advanced with an expectant smile; recoiled, a second later, at sight of the baronet, with a frown. "Good-day, doctor," said Miss Dane, politely. "Happy to see you. Lovely morning, is it not?" The doctor dropped into a seat. Hardly had he taken it, when "Mr. Ingelow!" exclaimed Margaret, opening the door. Mr.

Warm and deliciously fragrant, it swept the stiff wet Bermuda grass upon the lawn of the Sherrill villa at Palm Beach, rustled the crimson hedge of hibiscus, caught the subtle perfume of jasmine and oleander and swept on to a purple-flowered vine on the white walls of the villa, a fuller, richer thing for the ghost-scent of countless flowers.

Two big dogs, barking furiously, came tumbling round the angle of the house. Dr. Oleander struck at them with his whip. "Down, Tiger! Silence, Nero, you overgrown brute!" he cried, with an angry oath. "Come along, Mrs. Sharpe. There's no occasion to be alarmed; they won't touch you." Mrs.

Lambert in the high school at the last alumni meeting. They hung it on the wall near where the oleander stood that night. Dull boy or girl you with your eyes tear-dimmed sometimes because you do not seem to learn like some in your classes can you not get a bit of cheer from the story of Jim?

These tassels and strings are precisely the kind of subject fit for ironwork noble in ironwork, they would have been entirely ignoble in marble, on the grounds above stated. The real plant of oleander standing in the window enriches the whole group of lines very happily. The other balcony, from a very ordinary-looking house in the same street, is much more interesting in its details.