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Spurning it from him, he had just time to plunge into his place of repose and haul the clothes over him, when Polly emerged from her lair with wondering eyes. "What ever was that, father?" "Nothin', my dear, nothin' in partickler only a cask I kicked over.

"How d'ye do, Mr. Douglass," said Fleda. "How are they all at home?" "Well, there aint nothin' new among 'em, as I've heerd on," said Earl, diligently though stealthily, at the same time qualifying himself to make a report of Mr. Carleton. "I guess they'll be glad to see you. I be." "Thank you, Mr. Douglass. How is Hugh?"

"Jest shet your head an' gimme some more drink," he said in a surly way. "Jack's give me a dose that'll settle me, an' lookin' at me won't do no good 'cause there's nothin' to be done. He's ripped me up, Jack has, an' no man can live long that way. All I can do is to die happy so it's a good thing there's lots of gin. You'll find a kag of it over there in th' fur corner.

If J.C. had been interested before, he was doubly interested now, and coming nearer to John he said: "Money, my good fellow! Is Maude an heiress?" "She aint nothin' else," returned John, who proceeded to speak of Janet and her generous gift, the amount of which he greatly exaggerated.

When Saxon at last lapsed into complete silence, he studied her anxiously, with quick sidelong glances. She sighed and asked: "When do you think we'll be able to start?" "Maybe in two weeks... or, maybe in two or three months." He sighed with solemn deliberation. "We're like the Irishman with the trunk an' nothin' to put in it. Here's the wagon, here's the horses, an' nothin' to pull.

Nothin' ain't beauty unless it's doin' something fer somebody, and God didn't intend no sixty acres of His land to be lyin' here jest fer me and a lot of rich people to admire, when women and children are pantin' fer air in hot tenements.

Well, all up stairs is a great onfarnished place, filled with every sort of good for nothin trumpery in natur barrels without eends corn cobs half husked cast off clothes and bits of old harness, sheep skins, hides, and wool, apples, one half rotten, and tother half squashed a thousand or two of shingles that have bust their withs, and broke loose all over the floor, hay rakes, forks and sickles, without handles or teeth; rusty scythes, and odds and eends without number.

"Young Wyckoff called at my office this afternoon, and I bought a number of the coins from him." "What!" exclaimed the amazed farmer, "you didn't pay him nothin' extra for that rusty old money, did you? You must be crazy." "I did, and shall make a handsome thing of it.

And 'twas just so when you found that other one years ago up attic. I had to be the one you sprung it on! I had to be! But I shan't tell you nothin'!" "Yes, you will. You must tell me everything." "Well, I shan't." "Very well. Then I shall go straight to Uncle Shad." "To who? To CAP'N SHAD! Oh, my godfreys mighty! You go to him and see what he'll say! Just go!

Old Enoch took his cap from his head, and wiped his brow, and continued: 'Th' flute were my salvation agen, Mr. Penrose, when our lad deed. He wor just one-and-twenty, and he's bin dead eighteen year. Brass is nothin' when it comes to berryin' yor own, Mr. Penrose. Poverty may touch a mon's pride, but death touches his heart.