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"I learned Schwartzmeister th' Shan-van-Voght before we was through; an' I've got th' German naytional chune be heart, 'Ich vice nit wauss allus bay doitan'. What'll ye have to drink, Jawn?" And, as Mr. McKenna went out, he heard his friend muttering: "Freed be th' Dutch! Freed be the Dutch! An' we niver give thim so much as a dillygate."

"I ain't agoin' to stand behind Flam or Gus," growled Milton. "I won't stand no show fer grub at all." "I ain't, neither," and "Nit fer me!" chorused the near twins, Bobby and Bud. "I want to set at the table and eat like folks!" sobbed Cory. Mrs.

All is not gold that glitters, but it is a wise child that keeps the stopper in his bottle of testing acid. Where Broadway skirts the corner of the square presided over by George the Veracious is the Little Rialto. Here stand the actors of that quarter, and this is their shibboleth: "'Nit, says I to Frohman, 'you can't touch me for a kopeck less than two-fifty per, and out I walks."

Bugsey Watson forgot his Band of Hope teaching of returning good for evil, and standing on the disputed territory, he planted his little bare legs far apart and shouted, dancing up and down to the rhythm: Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, Spit, spit, spit! Old McGuire, old McGuire, Nit, nit, nit! Mrs. McGuire did occasionally draw comfort from an old clay pipe but Bugsey's punishment was near.

Wonderful hours he spent with the beautiful and smart artist, became her student, her lover, her friend. Here with Kamala was the worth and purpose of his present life, nit with the business of Kamaswami. The merchant passed to duties of writing important letters and contracts on to him and got into the habit of discussing all important affairs with him.

"I don't want to spoil your face till after the Fourth, though that ain't saying yuh don't deserve it. But I will say this: You're a liar you ain't had a letter for more than six weeks." "Got anything yuh want to bet on that?" Weary reached challengingly toward an inner pocket of his vest. "Nit. I don't give a darn, anyway yuh look at it. I'm going to bed."

"Fact is, Ravvy," he explained, as to a customer whose margin is exhausted, "I didn't know I had it till I came. I'll tell you, old man there's a dandy girl in that old house next door that I'm dead gone on. I put it straight we're engaged. The old man says 'nit' but that don't go. He keeps her pretty close. I can see Edith's window from yours here.

"Ground rent, light, heat, payroll, advertising, my own little old weekly envelope and everything; and I got one-eighty-one in my other kick for my share." "Very well," said Bobby; "you just put this money of mine into a fund to buy further equipments when we need them." "Nit and nix; also no!" declared Mr. Bates emphatically. "This time the bet goes as she lays.

I have a sort of valet and factotum, an excellent, respectable servant, whose spelling is so unvitiated by non-phonetic superfluities that he writes night as nit. One day, looking over his accounts, I said to him jocosely, "You are in the latest fashion with your spelling, Pummel: most people spell "night" with a gh between the i and the t, but the greatest scholars now spell it as you do."

"Well, friends," he cried, "God gave me big feet to tramp the streets and preach the Gospel to my fellow men." And the interrupted service went on. Jonah, who carried the brains of the Push, devised a fresh attack, involving Chook, a broken bottle, and the big drum. "It'll cut it like butter," he was explaining, when suddenly there was a cry of "Nit!