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Aunt Mary cried breathlessly. "Has he got someone with him? Run, Lucinda, an’ bring her in. She needn’t wipe her feet, tell her; you can brush the hall afterwards. Well, why ain’t you hurryin’?" Lucinda was hurrying, her curiosity being as potent as the commands of her mistress, and five seconds later Janice appeared in the door with her predecessor just behind her—a striking contrast.

We needn’t tell you all this, however, for if you have an atom of observation, one glance at his sleek, knowing-looking head and facehis prim white neckerchief, with the wooden tie into which it has been regularly folded for twenty years past, merging by imperceptible degrees into a small-plaited shirt-frilland his comfortable-looking form encased in a well-brushed suit of blackwould give you a better idea of his real character than a column of our poor description could convey.

I shan’t ever take the chances of calling on you now." She laughed. "He wouldn’t put you out unless I told him to," she said. "You needn’t be too afraid of him, you know." His face grew a trifle flushed. "I’m not afraid," he said, as coldly as it was in him to speak; "but I’ll leave him the field." She turned and looked at him. "The field?" she asked, with puzzled eyebrows. "Yes."

This is but the reckless enterprise of men of wealth and sense and needn’t be inquired into. The young caballero has got real gold pieces in the belt he wears next his skin; and the man with the heavy moustaches and unbelieving eyes is indeed very much of a man.

“I—I’ll ask him,” muttered Alyosha. “If you would give him three thousand, perhaps he—” “That’s nonsense! You needn’t ask him now, no need! I’ve changed my mind. It was a nonsensical idea of mine. I won’t give him anything, not a penny, I want my money myself,” cried the old man, waving his hand. “I’ll crush him like a beetle without it. Don’t say anything to him or else he will begin hoping.

Benson laughed, though he said, warningly: “I reckon we’ll do as well to drop calling the gunboat the ’Dad boat’ instead of the ’parent vessel.’” “Well, you needn’t bother at all about the conning tower to-day,” wound up Eph, glancing at his watch. “It’s after half-past three at this moment and I understand we’re to drop anchor about five o’clock.”

I ventured to inquire her name and address, by whom she had been recommended, or how he had been led to make choice of her. ‘She is a very estimable, pious young person,’ said he; ‘you needn’t be afraid. Her name is Myers, I believe; and she was recommended to me by a respectable old dowager: a lady of high repute in the religious world.

At the termination of this complaint, Miss Amelia Martin would distantly suggest certain dark suspicions that some people were jealous on account of their own daughters, and were obliged to keep their servants’ charms under, for fear they should get married first, which was no uncommon circumstanceleastways she had known two or three young ladies in service, who had married a great deal better than their missises, and they were not very good-looking either; and then the young lady would inform Miss Martin, in confidence, that how one of their young ladies was engaged to a young man and was a-going to be married, and Missis was so proud about it there was no bearing of her; but how she needn’t hold her head quite so high neither, for, after all, he was only a clerk.

Fanny will call Ike to go with you." Fanny arose to do her mother’s bidding, but Julia stopped her by saying, "You needn’t trouble yourself to call him, Fanny." "Why not?" said Fanny, looking wonderingly in Julia’s face. "Because I am not going," said Julia coolly. "Not going!" exclaimed Fanny. "Not going!" echoed Mrs. Middleton. "Why do you say so? You are going, you must go!"

And mind, if you get caught, you needn’t call on me for help.” “Well, Jennie, don’t let’s quarrel. Perhaps I can return the favor you did me, by helping you some day.” The opportunity came sooner than he expected. The next day Jennie ventured out to visit a sick friend. On her return she had to pass a couple of Confederate officers, one of whom was intoxicated.