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Every stormy night a girl with eyes like Necia's calls to me, and I have to follow. Every patch of moonlight shows her smiling at me, just beyond, just in the shadow's edge. Love! Time! Why, Alluna, love is the only thing in the world that never dies, and time only makes it the more enduring." He took up the white slouch hat he had thrown down when he came in, and stepped to the door.

It was Burrell's turn now to fall incoherent, and not only did his speech forsake him, but his thoughts went madly veering off into a wilderness where there was no trail, no light, no hope. What kind of a coil was this? What frightful bones were these he bared? This man was Bennett! This was Necia's father!

No doubt they had deliberately arranged the whole thing so that the new arrivals could immediately relocate each of Necia's claims the pick of all the ground outside Lee's discovery, and the surest to be valuable and that Stark would share in the robbery.

At first I feared greatly, for when I told him what had occurred of Necia's return and of her marriage he became so enraged I thought he would burst open his wounds and die from his very fury; but I talked a long, long time with him, and gradually I came to know somewhat of his queer, disordered soul.

"I might have known you bums were up to some crooked work." Poleon likewise rose and ranged himself with the trader. "Ba Gar! I don' stan' for dat," said he, excitedly. "You want for jump Necia's claims, eh?" "As long as I'm chairman we'll have no rough work," declared Stark, glaring at them.

Gale went to Necia's door and called her, but when she appeared he was unprepared for the tragic face with which she greeted him. "Daughter," he said, "don't feel bad over what I said; I didn't mean to be cross with you, but I don't like that dress." "Were you cross with me, daddy?" she said, dully. "I didn't hear. What did you say?" He looked at her in amazement.

They had been walking rapidly since dawn, and, although Burrell's watch showed two o'clock, she refused to halt for lunch, declaring that the others might arrive at any moment; so down they went to the lower end of "No Creek" Lee's location, where Burrell blazed a smooth spot on the down-stream side of a tree and wrote thereon at Necia's dictation.

This was the first criticism he had heard of Necia's father, and although Stark volunteered no argument, it was plain that his opinion remained unaffected. The old man went through the store at the rear and straightway sought Alluna. Speaking to her with unwonted severity in the Pah-Ute language, he said: "I have told you never to use your native tongue before strangers.

This explanation of his strange behavior seemed plausible enough to banish all personal fears from Necia's mind. Indeed, Stark had now become so gentle and apologetic in his demeanor that her woman's curiosity overcame her instinct to flee, and she ventured the question: "So you really thought I was that other girl?" "I did for a minute. The mother was a a friend of mine, and so I lost my head.

He thrust his arms beneath the legs of a new pair of blue overalls that formed his pack-straps, wriggled the burden comfortably into place between his shoulders, and slouched out past Doret, to whom he nodded, ignoring the "dressmaker." Having given Necia's message to Poleon, the Lieutenant took up his business with the trader.