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Moppet nodded "not a word, mind, even to Betty where do you think I saw Captain Yorke the other day? You'll never guess; it was at Fraunces's Tavern on Broad Street, and he was in earnest conversation with General Wolcott." "With my father?" This time Moppet's astonishment was real, and Peter chuckled at his success in news-telling. "Children," called a voice from the hall, "where are you?

The Earl had beckoned away Master Richard, both glad to escape; but Cicely had to remain, and filled with compassion for one whom she had always regarded previously as an enemy, she could not help saying, "Dear madam, take comfort; I am going to bear a petition to the Queen's Majesty from the captive lady, and if she will hear me all will yet be well." "How! What? How! Thou little moppet!

He told her all his story; and they agreed that he should fly at once to the island, and see if Dan was there; if not, he was to come back, and Moppet would try to get some one to help find him. When this was done, Davy and Dan were to take Moppet, if they could, and make her happy on the island.

"The sermon," said Miss Moppet, breaking her silk for the fourth time; "the minister said the devil went roaring up and down the earth seeking whom he might devour. Wouldn't I like to hear him roar. Do you conceive it is like a bull or a lion's roar?" "The Bible says a lion," said Miss Bidwell, looking all the more severe because she was so amused.

It was no where, replied the princess, spritelily, till my countrymen gained it from the sea Indeed, moppet! said his majesty; and pray who were your countrymen, before you had any country?

"When you meet Captain Yorke, Betty," whispered Moppet, "be sure you tell him how Oliver and Josiah hunted and hunted that morning, and how I never, never told" "Moppet," said Betty, turning a vivid pink in the firelight, "how can you!" "Yes," pursued Moppet relentlessly, "and you give him my love heaps of it and I just hope he may never get taken a prisoner during the whole war again."

Moppet saw them first, and announced the discovery by a shrill shout, which the Indiana evidently heard; for they halted instantly, and then walked on faster than before. When the child went to meet them, the woman quickened her pace a little, and took her hand; but no signs of emotion were perceptible.

Moppet danced for joy; Gulliver screamed and flapped his wings; and Dan smiled, in spite of pain, to think he should see Davy again. He couldn't understand Gulliver; but Moppet told him all the story, and, when he heard it, he was more troubled for the boy than for himself. "What will he do? He may get killed or scared, or try to come ashore.

"Poor birdie, is you starvin'? Here, jes go at dis, and joy yourself. Dere's fish and tings I tink you'd like. How is you now, dear?" "Better, Moppet; but, it's so stormy, I can't get to Davy; and I worry about him," began Gulliver, pecking away at his supper: but he stopped suddenly, for a faint sound came up from below, as if some one called, "Help, help!"

"I can't sleep, Betty," sobbed Moppet, as her sister gathered the child in her arms; "it's too, too dreadful. Will General Putnam hang my dear, kind gentleman as the British hanged Captain Nathan Hale, and shall we never, never see him more?" "Dear heart," said Betty, smoothing the yellow hair, and tears springing again to her eyes as she thought of the brave, manly face of her country's foe.