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O'Brien blushingly admitted the charge. "This is the first time I ever spoke in public," said the young man modestly, "and I crave your indulgence. If you don't mind, I will tell you about Judge Waddington and myself at Atlantic City last summer. Every one in Washington knows the Judge, and hopes that some day Congress will take up his claim and adjust it satisfactorily.

He was a man the whole county honored, whose word was his bond, whose purse-strings had never known a knot, who had made large moneys in the law and spent them in charity, until now, occupying a social position at the top of the ladder, he lived but modestly in the house that was once the envy of all his neighbors, many of whom once, and more than once, the beneficiaries of his charity, now looked down upon him from the colossal heights of their wheat elevators or sixteen-story office blocks.

Carbury to town for dinner and the theatre; but always with his deprecating air of having dropped in by accident, and modestly hoping that his intrusion was not unwelcome. The following Sunday brought another influx of visitors, and Bessy seemed to fling herself with renewed enthusiasm into the cares of hospitality.

There was a prevailing sentiment at Warrener that nothing was too good for Hayne nowadays; and he took all this adulation so quietly and modestly that there was difficulty in telling just how it affected him. Towards those who had known him well in the days of his early service he still maintained a dignity and reserve of manner that kept them at some distance.

The reputation of Browne encouraged some low writer to publish, under his name, a book called Nature's Cabinet unlocked, translated, according to Wood, from the physicks of Magirus; of which Browne took care to clear himself, by modestly advertising, that "if any man had been benefited by it, he was not so ambitious as to challenge the honour thereof, as having no hand in that work ."

"Thy pardon, Robert," exclaimed Mrs. Owen. "I do not always remember that thou art Major Dale." "I do not always remember it myself, madam," returned the youth modestly. "And I wish to be Robert to you always." "How these children grow!" exclaimed Nurse Johnson sinking into the easy chair with a sigh of content.

He did not seem to be excited, alarmed, or discomposed. He gazed at me curiously. "So you risked your life to save mine, eh? you canary-colored teacher of infants." I blushed modestly, and drew my shawl tightly over my yellow flannel nightgown. "You love me, Mary Jane, don't deny it! This trembling shows it!" He drew me closely toward him, and said, with his deep voice tenderly modulated:

The young man answered modestly, "I will try to do as you bid me. I am only a hunter, not a warrior. Whether I shall be brave or not I do not know. But I will try to take a scalp for your sake." So he made a war party of seven, himself and six other young men. They wandered through the enemy's country, hoping to get a chance to strike a blow. But none came, for they found no one of the enemy.

It was then he discovered that she had especially fine eyes. "I couldn't have done less than I did, under the circumstances." Mr. Sprudell closed a hand and regarded the polished nails modestly. "But er frankly, I would rather not talk for publication." "People who have actually done something worth telling will never talk," declared Miss Dunbar, in mock despair, "while those "

"Faith, you are too good" her eyes were modestly hidden "but then you are too good to everybody. Is he not, Mr. Boyce?" "Oh, ma'am, we all practise on his kindness," Harry said. "A good night to your mourning," she said sharply, "dear Lady Waverton." They kissed. "Colonel Boyce, I hold you to your promise." "With all my heart, ma'am. Your devoted."