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"I notice by the Try-bune," went on Uncle Bill with a chuckle, "that one of them English suffragettes throwed flour on the Primeer and " His mouth opened as a fresh headline caught his eye, and when he had finished perusing it his jaw had lengthened until it was resting well down the bosom of his flannel shirt . . . The headline read: BRAVE TENDERFOOT SAVES HIS GUIDE FROM DEATH IN BLIZZARD T. VICTOR SPRUDELL CARRIES EXHAUSTED OLD MAN THROUGH DEEP DRIFTS TO SAFETY A MODEST HERO

Sprudell almost admitted, as he felt the dampness beginning to penetrate his waterproof field boots, that there might still be some things he could learn. He gasped like a person taking a long, hard dive into icy water when they plunged into the swirling world which shut out the tent they had called home.

While Sprudell stamped around trying to get feeling into his numb feet and making his preparations to leave, Uncle Bill lay still. He knew that Toy was sincere in urging him to go, and finally he said: "I'll take you at your word, Toy; I'll make the break.

Furthermore, it contained an ultimatum to the effect that if the season's work was unsuccessful they would accept an offer which they had had for their stock. With Helen's warning still fresh in his mind, Bruce understood the situation in one illuminating flash. Under the circumstances, no one but Sprudell would want to buy the stock.

The words came with an effort; he seemed afraid of their effect upon Bruce, then, uncertainly: "I was paid." For the fraction of a second Bruce stared into Smaltz's scared face. "You were paid," he repeated slowly. "Who " and then the word came rapier-like as had the thought "Sprudell!" "He told me to see that you didn't start. He left the rest to me."

Sprudell, Herman wants to catch a train and he's interested in what I been tellin' him of that placer ground you stumbled on this fall. He's got friends in that country and wanted to know just where it is. I remember you said something about Ore City bein' the nearest post-office, but what railroad is it on? If we need any outside money, why, Herman here "

But Sprudell was indifferent to appearances, seeming to survey the world at large from the height of omnipotence and it seemed to Helen that every objectionable trait he had was exaggerated, twice enlarged under the stimulus of this mysterious, exalted mood.

Miss Dunbar noted that the hand was warm and soft and chubby; nor was this dapper, middle-aged beau exactly the man she had pictured as the hero of a thrilling rescue. He looked too self-satisfied and fat. "Now what can I do for you, my dear young lady?" Mr. Sprudell drew up a chair with amiable alacrity. "We have heard of you, you know," she began smilingly. "Oh, really!" Mr.

But in this he seemed mistaken, for the snow fell with only brief cessation, and in such intervals the curious fog hung over the silent mountains with the malignant persistency of an evil spirit. He scraped the snow away from beside the cabin, and Sprudell helped him bury Slim.

They crystallized finally into a definite resolve, and her lips set in a line of determination. "I don't know how much or how little I can do, but, T. Victor Sprudell," Helen clenched a small fist and shook it in the direction in which she imagined Bartlesville lay, "I'm going to fight!" If much of Helen's work was uncongenial it at least had the merit of developing useful traits.