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Having described Horace Greeley as the sum of all villainy "whose hair is white, whose skin is white, whose eyes are white, whose clothes are white, and whose liver is in my opinion of the same color" he continued: "The assistant editor of the Try-bune is Robinson Solon Robinson. He is an Irishman, an Orange Irishman, a redhaired Irishman!"

Having described Horace Greeley as the sum of all villainy "whose hair is white, whose skin is white, whose eyes are white, whose clothes are white, and whose liver is in my opinion of the same color" he continued: "The assistant editor of the Try-bune is Robinson Solon Robinson. He is an Irishman, an Orange Irishman, a redhaired Irishman!"

"I notice by the Try-bune," went on Uncle Bill with a chuckle, "that one of them English suffragettes throwed flour on the Primeer and " His mouth opened as a fresh headline caught his eye, and when he had finished perusing it his jaw had lengthened until it was resting well down the bosom of his flannel shirt . . . The headline read: BRAVE TENDERFOOT SAVES HIS GUIDE FROM DEATH IN BLIZZARD T. VICTOR SPRUDELL CARRIES EXHAUSTED OLD MAN THROUGH DEEP DRIFTS TO SAFETY A MODEST HERO

"Them leaders is turrible good snow-horses; they sabe snow-shoes like a man." Lannigan stretched his neck to catch a glimpse of them through the pines before they made the turn into the Main street. There was a slightly acid edge to Uncle Bill's tone as he observed: "I ought to git my Try-bune to-night if the postmistress at Beaver Crick is done with it." "Git-ep! Eagle! Git-ep, Nig!"