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They believed M. Latour had shown himself quite a match for Maitland in not falling easily into what they regarded as a neat little trap which had been set to prove his lack of chemical knowledge. They attributed Maitland's failure to further interrogate Latour upon his understanding of chemistry as evidence that he had met an equal.

They, moreover, had paid but a divided attention to Maitland's inquiries. The success of Cranley's device was secured by its elementary simplicity. A gentleman who, for any reason, wishes to obliterate his trail, does wisely to wear some very notable, conspicuous, unmistakable garb at one point of his progress.

Letter of explanation follows." To this Maitland's name was signed. "That ought to clear him neatly, if I understand the emergency." The thief rose, folding the telegraph blank, and returned to the bedroom, taking up his hat and the murderous cane as he went.

But when the bank people sought her out after Maitland's release, she, too, had clean disappeared, and all efforts to trace her failed. In fact, according to the folks who lived near her in Brighton, she'd completely disappeared, with the child, five years before. So there wasn't a clue to Maitland.

Work, which had been an interest, became a refuge. Under like circumstances some people take to religion and some to drink; as Mrs. Maitland's religion had never been more than church-going and contributions to foreign missions, it was, of course, no help under the strain of grief; and as her temperament did not dictate the other means of consolation, she turned to work.

"What are you doing, dear?" her aunt asked. "Mrs. Maitland's party and we're going to the Orpheum. I don't care much for vaudeville, though" And idly eying Julia, she added, "Do you, Julia?" Julia's heart leaped, her mouth felt dry. "I like plays," she stammered, trying to smile, and clearing her throat. "Well, so do I." Barbara shrugged, gathered up her coat again, and drifted away.

She had not, however, at all expected to hear the unwelcome truth which had now to be told, and which greeted her on the first mention of a new dress. 'You need not trouble yourself about a new dress, my dear Mabel, said her mother, sorrowfully. 'Your papa says, that he will not allow you to go with your sister to Mrs. Maitland's party.

This was what he had been engaged for and what he had been paid for royally, in advance. Seizing reins and whip, he jerked the startled animal between the shafts out of its abstraction and "I say, cabby! One moment!" The cabman turned; the figure on the stoop of the house was undoubtedly Maitland's Maitland as he had just seen him, with the addition of a hat.

He would first get confirmation of the story from Miss Maitland's own lips and would then act with his eyes open. He was not succeeding very well in his errand of "neighborly kindness," for Susanna still held the door so nearly closed that he could not force an entrance, even though he kept his foot firmly in the aperture.

"The sleuth!" gasped Maitland, astounded. "Ah, cut that, can't yeh?" Hickey got on all fours, found his cigar, stuck it in his mouth, and fell into place at Maitland's side. "Hickey, I mean. But how " "If yeh're Maitland, 'nd Anisty's at the St. Luke Buildin', tell that fool up there to drive!" Maitland had no need to lift the trap; the cabby had already done that.