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"'Bishy," said Miss Pepper, "what do you s'pose has happened down to the Hammond tavern?" "Oh, I know that," was the reply. "I heard that long ago; Cap'n Eben's dead." "'Course he's dead; and I knew you knew it. Land sakes! don't be such a ninny. Why, I told you myself." "Well, I didn't know but you'd forgot. Anybody's li'ble to forget who they've told things to. Why, I've forgot more things "

"Dis yer tale goes ter show," concluded Julius sententiously, as the man came up and announced that the spring was ready for us to get water, "dat w'ite folks w'at is so ha'd en stric', en doan make no 'lowance fer po' ign'ant niggers w'at ain' had no chanst ter l'arn, is li'ble ter hab bad dreams, ter say de leas', en dat dem w'at is kin' en good ter po' people is sho' ter prosper en git 'long in de worl'."

It's jest one of them things which crops up in a country like this, where a whole heap o' the laws happens along through custom. An' like all sech customs, ther's li'ble to be a tarnation lot of friction lyin' around if we can't get a right settlement. Now, if we go to the courts it's goin' to be a mighty big scrap, eatin' up a hell of a pile of dollars.

Jeff Masters of the 'O 's' is well enough known to most folks, who got any sort o' knowledge of these parts. An' ther's quite a few folks around here, including Dug McFarlane, li'ble to remember the name of Bud Tristram, of the 'T.T.'s. But you're sure right in guessin' he's in a hurry to quit. Ther's some places, an' some folks, it ain't good to see a heap of.

As they trudged he saw farmers at a distance here and there, and called to them to follow. "Look here, I don't need no bee!" howled the Colonel. "This ain't nothing to spread broadcast in this community." "Never can tell what's li'ble to happen," retorted Sproul. "Witnesses don't never hurt cases like this." He continued to call the farmers, despite Ward's objurgations. Farmers called their wives.

I never knew him to be without it afore; but a feller's li'ble to forgit 'most anything a night like that was. Did Eri tell you how Perez forgot his shoes? Funniest thing I ever see, that was." He began the story of his friend's absent-mindedness, but his companion did not seem to pay much attention to it.

I'm li'ble to be 'most anywheres on the face of the earth, and it makes me fidgety to think there's letters chasin' me round and I ain't gettin' 'em. I say to Zuby, 'Long's you don't hear from me you'll know I'm all right, and long's I don't hear from you I'll know the same. We'll write when we feel like it.

"No." replied the Living Skeleton. "I'm allowanced off an' I've got t' eat on'y what he gives me that's in our contrac'. If I eat more an put on flesh out I go. There's a clause in ther contrac' what sez I'm li'ble t' be fired if goes above seven stone seven. The previous livin' skelington got the run at Barnip fer breakin' out. He was the only original. I'm just a sort iv understudy."

"I've been squdged too fur, that's what has been done," declared Mr. Luce, "and it was your seleckman that done it, and I hold the whole town responsible. I don't know what I'm li'ble to do next. I've showed him now I'm li'ble to show the town. I dunno! It depends." He went out and stood on the store platform, and gazed about him with the air of Alexander on the banks of the Euphrates.

I'm afraid something dreadful will happen to him if things do not right themselves very soon." "Now, don't you worry, Beth. Just you be patient. I cal'late there is something wrong, but there ain't no channel so long that it ain't got an outlet of some sort, and the rougher 'tis, the shorter it's li'ble to be.