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"Where did you leave your lady?" inquired the judge, who had been almost dying of anxiety to ask this question, but had refrained on account of Katie's excessive agitation. "Where did you leave your mistress?" "Le'me see. Where did I leave her ag'in? Oh! I 'members exactly now. 'Deed I got good reason to 'member dat night, if I never 'members anoder day nor night of my life."

George, Dolly, and her mother, an' even John Webb, tried to get me to listen to their advice, but not me! Oh no, I was runnin' it! I reckon I'm bull-headed. Le'me tell you some'n'. I'd go back an' hire out to George as a day-laborer if I didn't have more pride than brains. He needs hands. He told me so. You are makin' a man out o' him, Saunders, an' I want to thank you."

"Hit'd be too bad t' kill they'uns here right in sight o' the house." "Le'me see them letters, Bushrod;" said the leader, snatching a package of letters and Annabel's picture out of the other's hand. "Mebbe thar's some news in them that the Captain'd like to have."

And that isn't all, sir that isn't all. Irene is just vain enough of her good looks to like it. Le'me tell you something, sir. This town is not Paris, and our country is not France, but that fast set Irene runs with is trying to think so. They read about the Four Hundred in New York, its scandals and divorces in high life, and think it is smart to imitate it.

Yo'uns 've bin puttin' spells on them men, and yo'uns'll put a spell on me. I've felt hit from the fust. I'm a-gwine away. Le'me go, quick." Si caught the man roughly by the shoulder with his left hand, and raised his right threateningly. It still had the bottle in it. "You're not goin' a step, except with us," he said.

Houston was still searching for the needed implements, when Van Dorn, who was near the door, called out: "I say, Everard, here's a small specimen of humanity who seems to be looking for you in a desperate hurry," and an instant later, he heard a familiar voice say: "Is the boss in there, mister? Le'me in quick, I wan'ter see 'im!"

I asked. "I want to get to breaking." "Start as soon as we get through here," said he as we entered the little board shack which bore the sign, "County Offices." "No time to lose if you're going to plant anything this year. Le'me have that deed. This is Mr. Vandemark, Bill."

Deleah, chaperoned by Franky, could have no excuse. She refused him very gently, because of his subdued demeanour, and because, absurd as it was of him, his voice had faltered when he made his appeal, and his eyes had grown moist. "But you must not take Franky, Reggie," she said, and called on the child to descend, and come in to his tea. "Le'me go, Deda! Le'me go!" Franky pleaded.

"There he is now!" exclaimed Nora gayly, starting up to open the door. But she was mistaken; there he was not, but an old woman, covered with snow. . "Law, Mrs. Jones, is this you?" exclaimed Nora, in a tone of disappointment and vexation. "Yes, child don't ye see it's me? Le'me come in out'n the snow," replied the dame, shaking herself and bustling in. "Why, law, Mrs.

Wait a minute, says he, all excited and out of his mind `I've got something here in my desk I reckon it'll hold legal yet I've looked at it a thousand times "Cus-to-dy of the child," says Luke "Cus-to-dy of the child." We can hold him on that, can't we? Le'me see if I can find that decree. "Luke begins to tear his desk to pieces. " `Hold on, says I. `You are Order and I'm Law.