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"Razors and brushes, and such like, is personal, and not subject to levy; but these, Ma'am, you see, air." He held up a pocket-book full of bank-notes. "I'll count 'em before you, Ma'am, if you please, so's there'll be no mistake. Thirteen thousand! A pretty good haul! I'll go down, now. If anythin's wantin' for the chap when he comes to, jest le'me know."

He drew his chair up closer to the stove and began: "Jest after I was a roundin' Cape Horn the fourth time, I believe, yis, yis, le'me see twenty times I've rounded the Horn, wall, this ere, I reckon, was somewhere nigh about the fourth time."

"Well, you kin imagine that wus a difficult thing to do, but I reckon the Lord o' Hosts must 'a' been with us, fer all at once a idee come to me an' I jest leaned over to her. 'Sister Dawson, sez I, 'I beg yore pardon, but the skirt o' yore bonnet is ripped, le'me see it a minute, an', la me! Brother Mitchell's eyes fairly danced in his head.

"Well, I'll tell you something that will pass for an anecdote, on condition that you call me aunt Polly; that name warms my heart a great deal better than Miss Polly." "Three!" said Dotty aloud. "We will, honestly, if we can think of it, aunt Polly. Four." "Le'me gwout for the sidders, first," said busy Flyaway. "There, aunt Polly, you forgot it that time!

"Did you see him at that time?" "Did Ah see him at dat time? Le'me see? Why, no, suh, Ah don' think Ah did." "When was the first time you did see him, Jackson?" "Ah guess it was at dinnah time, suh. He was heah den." "You're sure he was here all through dinner?" I asked. "Yes, suh! He must hab been, 'cause he ohdahd dinnah." "What time was he through dinner, do you know?"

Hit's a-comin' nigher, an' soon you kin hit it with a rock. I'll jest do hit t' show yo how skeery yo' air. Le'me look around an' find a good rock t' throw. If I kin find jest the right kind I kin hit a yallerhammer at that distance." This prospect was hardly more reassuring than that of being fired at, but there was nothing to do but to take whatever might come.

When the bottle was torn from Scaife's hands, the mischief had been done. The boy had swallowed a quantity of raw spirit. Till now the whisky had been much diluted with mineral water. "I'm going to him," yelled Scaife, struggling with his friends. "And I'm going to take a cricket stump with me. Le'me go le'me go!" The Caterpillar surveyed him with disgust.

"Le'me tell you something, John; it will soon come to pass that the heiress will have to be locked up in the safe deposit vaults with papa's bank book. Here is an item from one of our most prominent newspapers. Get this, John: "'Long Island City. Now.

The other two chuckled as they struggled with the current, and forced the canoe up close to the log. Shorty made a motion as if throwing up his hands, and called out in a submissive way: "Here, le'me git hold o' the bow, and I kin help you. It's awful hard paddlin' in this current." Without thinking the men threw the bow in so close that Shorty could clutch it with his long hand.

"A Porchuguee, he was. Wanted wine f'r 'is breakfus'. An' the orders is, we're to go down the coast to a place called le'me see, now. What was it called? Some Dago name that I can't call to mind." Dan was among his hearers, and by some freak of memory the name of the town of which the Dago had been used to speak, the town which was now a dream to be forgotten, came to his lips. He spoke it aloud.