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The people who inhabit these miserable huts are very similar to the Ke and Aru islanders, and many of them are very handsome, being tall and well-made, with well-cut features and large aquiline noses.

Another native informant thought it meant "one word in two divisions," while a third defined it as meaning "between two words." Mr. The name is in the peculiar dual or rather duplicative form which is indicated by the prefix te and the affix ken or ke.

"White's as good as black, I s'pose, a'n't it?" answered Tidy, diverted by the droll manners of her new acquaintance. "I don't see no odds nohow." "'Ta'n't 'spectable, dat's all. Brack's de fashion here on dis yer plantation. 'Tis tough, b'ars whippin's and hard knocks. Whew! Hi! Ke! Missus'll cut ye all up to slivers fust time." "Does missus whip?" "Reckon she does jest dat ting.

"You boys come along with us," he continued, speaking to the Hawaiians; "we give you good pay and treat you right." "Yes, yes," they agreed smilingly, adding, "Wele ke hau." This was their native phrase of enthusiasm; in other words, their college yell. So they took the place of the oarsmen in the black boat, and trailed the other behind.

Many of these Suras have been built at the expense of well-to-do natives impelled by different motives, for love of name nam ke liye, as the natives say, a motive for which their countrymen continually give them credit for the acquisition of religious merit, and from benevolent feeling. These places are called Dhurmsalas, places erected by righteous, good men.

'Memsahib ke kushi, he answers, salaaming like a sainted martyr, and taking the wind clean out o' me sails. But I'll wash yours meself; so you needn't fear to lend it." Then, becoming aware of Honor's red eyelids, she broke off short. "Why, Honor, me dear, it's the born fool I am to be chattering like a parrot when you're in trouble, by the looks of it."

Kprukpru muquankpo ke ima | All thine iniquities who doth Enye adahado; | Most graciously forgive: Anam udoeno okure, | Who thy diseases all and pains Ye ndutukhoe fo. | Doth heal, and thee relieve.

What Christian apostle left behind him the records of such words as those of Confucius, boldly spoken to a king: "Ke K'ang, distressed about the number of thieves in his kingdom, inquired of Confucius how he might do away with them?

The trade carried on at Dobbo is very considerable. This year there were fifteen large praus from Macassar, and perhaps a hundred small boats from Ceram, Goram, and Ke. The Macassar cargoes are worth about £1,000. each, and the other boats take away perhaps about £3,000, worth, so that the whole exports may be estimated at £18,000. per annum.

They started first, and we travel a little faster than they. Scarcely a blade of herbage cheered our sight to day. A sandy, gravelly hamadah, with a few rocks and sand-hills here and there, such is the nature of the country. The rocks now assume a conic form, ke ras suker, like a sugar-loaf, as the people say.