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"To larn to be a lady," Old Josselin explained, raising his voice as though she were deaf. "That would be a fine thing," she answered mincingly, and returned her gaze to the window and the line of shore. Manasseh had wrapped Master Dicky up warm in a couple of rugs, and spread a third about his feet. In the ample state seat of the coach the child reclined as easily as in a bed.

Josselin sits in an armchair, regarding the pattern of the carpet with a silly air of self-importance; Mrs. Strongtharm in a chair opposite. By the window Miss Quiney, pulling at her knuckles, stares out through the dark panes. A clock strikes. Four o'clock . . . nine hours. . . . Mrs. Strongtharm. More. The pains took her soon after six. . . . When her bell rang I looked at the clock. I remember.

Sir Robert de Beaumanoir and his comrades, who remained alive, took them and carried them off to Castle Josselin as their prisoners; and then admitted them to ransom courteously when they were all cured, for there was none that was not grievously wounded, French as well as English.

But the Captain, it was understood, must give his word of honour, first, to accept this as a free concession from the Bench, and, secondly, not to repent or demand release before the expiry of the five hours. "With all my heart," promised Captain Vyell; and the Chief Magistrate reluctantly gave way. Ruth Josselin sat in the stocks.

"They're on the seas at this moment may be here within the week." "Good Lord!" Captain Harry repeated, and his eyes wandered again to Ruth Josselin. "Awkward, hey? . . . But I say, Noll you really are Sir Oliver! Dear lad, I give you joy, and with all my heart. . . . Gad, here's a piece of news for Sally!" Again he came to a doubtful halt, and again with his eyes on Ruth Josselin.

Manasseh perhaps did not hear. He made no reply, at any rate, but turned the lamp full on Ruth Josselin as she sank back against the cushions on Dicky's right. "You will find plenty rugs, miss." He shut the door. Dicky, holding his breath, heard him replace the lamp in its socket, and felt the soft tilt of his great weight as he climbed to the perch behind. "R right away!"

He eyed the girl again, and she met him with a straight face flushed a little and plainly perturbed, but not shrinking, although her bosom heaved for his admiration was entirely cool and critical. "What is your name?" he asked. "Ruth Josselin." He appeared to consider this for a moment, and then, reaching out a hand for the decanter, to dismiss the subject. "Well, pick up your guinea," he said.

Nay, dismissing the men with a guinea apiece, he had desired them to return to Mr. Trask and report his conduct. "Listen to me," he said suddenly, checking Old Josselin in full flow. "You say, both of you, that Ruth here will live under disgrace; and I dare say you are right. Why not send her away? Get her out of this." The woman by the window turned her head with a vague simper.

"What's the use, any way?" he added. "We, that always carried ourselves so high, for all our being poor! It's God's mercy that took your father before he could see this day. 'Twould have broken his sperrit. Your father a Josselin, and me a Pocock, with lands of my own if right was law in this world; and now to be stripped naked and marched through the streets!" Ruth's eyes met the Collector's.

Silk sprang to his feet and snatched at the chair, dodging sideways. "Strike as you please," he snarled; "Ruth Josselin is a " But before the word could out Batty Langton's first blow beat down his guard. The second fell across his exposed shoulders, the third stunningly on the nape of his neck. The fourth a back-hander welted him full in the face, and the wretched man sank screaming for pity.