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She had seen that same look again and again, and she could always remember it in the dark, a quick blue flash, tender and a little wild, as if he had seen a vision or glimpsed bright uncertainties. The next few weeks were busy ones on the farm. Before the wheat harvest was over, Nat Wheeler packed his leather trunk, put on his "store clothes," and set off to take Tom Welted back to Maine.

According to the surest law of nature, that broken-down animal had been forgotten as soon as he was done with. He would have given his four legs if he could legally dispose of them for a single draught of sweet delicious rapturous ecstatic water; but his bloodshot eyes sought vainly, and his welted tongue found nothing wet, except the flakes of his own salt foam.

Who knows how the welted vine leaf, when we give it shade and moisture, crisps its curves again, and breathes new bloom upon its veinage? And who can tell how the flagging heart, beneath the cool mantle of time, revives, shapes itself into keen sympathies again, and spreads itself congenially to the altered light?

His ill-temper had long since vanished, and he considered Clement as he might have considered a young, wayward dog which had erred and brought itself within reach of the lash. "I was welted in my time hard an' often, an' be none the worse," he continued. Martin smiled and shook his head. "Might have served him once; too late now for that remedy, I fear."

Pond's Sunday school, he made a more serious matter of it, and the poor boy received his first severe flogging, twenty-five lashes on his bare back. "I hope now," said Aunt Sally, while dressing his welted and wounded back with wet linen, "that you'll give up that silly notion of your'n, that of learnin' to read. It's of no use, and these 'ere learned niggers are always gettin' into trouble.

'Vayther'll be at the crooked post, tother zide o' telling-house.* Her coodn't lave 'ouze by raison of the Chirstmas bakkon comin' on, and zome o' the cider welted. * The 'telling-houses' on the moor are rude cots where the shepherds meet to 'tell' their sheep at the end of the pasturing season.

John, dear? I say, what are you at? What do you baste me this way for oh, may the divil the Lord bless you, an' don't here I am here, Misther John, I ax your pardon hell pursue Misther John, darlin', I go down on my knees to you, an' axes your pardon here now you see, I'm down. Och murdher, am I to have the very sowl welted out o' me this way?" Mr.

As he watched her with famished eyes, Freckles told her of his birds, flowers, and books, and never realized what he was doing. He led the horse to a deep pool that he knew of, and the tortured creature drank greedily, and lovingly rubbed him with its nose as he wiped down its welted body with grass. Suddenly the Angel cried: "There comes the Bird Woman!"

"Vayther'll be at the crooked post, tother zide o' telling-house.* Her coodn't lave 'ouze by raison of the Chirstmas bakkon comin' on, and zome o' the cider welted." * The "telling-houses" on the moor are rude cots where the shepherds meet to "tell" their sheep at the end of the pasturing season.

Though his hide was streaked with the sweat of his rebellion, and caked in places with the dust of the long road he had come, and welted by the whips of his tormentors, the color and the gloss shone out as undimmed as his proud spirit was undaunted by the hard knocks of his captivity. The three men clearly were hard pressed.