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A world gone mad, a world that fled from the menace which hung over Manhattan.... Jeter hoped that the calm brains of men like Hadley would at least be able to quiet the populace somewhat, else many of them would be self-destroyed, as men and women destroy one another in rushes for the exits during great theater fire alarms.

But he didn't make a move for his weapon. It would be sure death if he did, for the others were armed. Brown men fell before the smashing of their fists. But the end of the fight was a foregone conclusion. Jeter had a bruised jaw.

"A great newspaper editor said that, and we're going to discover now just how true it is." "What's our next move?" For a long time the partners, stared into each other's eyes. Each knew exactly what the other thought, exactly what he would propose as a course of action. Jeter heaved a sigh and nodded his head. "We're as much in the power of the enemy here as we would be there, or anywhere else.

Sa machoire inferieure commencait a ressortir comme un gaillard d'avant, ses dents se decouvcraient brillantes commes des fournaises, et un chien pouvait le taquiner, l'exciter, le mordre, le jeter deux ou trois fois par-dessus son epaule, Andre Jackson, c'etait le nom du chien, Andre Jackson prenait cela tranquillement, comme s'il ne se fut jamais attendu a autre chose, et quand les paris etaient doubles et redoubles contre lui, il vous saisissait l'autre chien juste a l'articulation de la jambe de derriere, et il ne la lachait plus, non pas qu'il la machat, vous concevez, mais il s'y serait tenu pendu jusqu'a ce qu'on jetat l'eponge en l'air, fallut-il attendre un an.

Through this, Jeter guessed, ran the wires by which they controlled all their activities, machinery to operate which had been installed under the floor in the unseen lower half of the inner globe. They knew that must remain forever a secret from them. There was a sudden stir among the Three. Jeter and Eyer turned aside for a moment to peer down upon New York City.

They'd perhaps discover what had happened to that too. Eyer suddenly slipped and fell, as though he had been walking on a carpet which had been jerked from under his feet. From his almost prone position he looked up at Jeter. Jeter dropped to his knees beside him. Their covered hands played over the surface of their discovery, to find it smooth as glass.

New York was just a blur against the abysmal darkness under their careening wings. "You've never ventured an opinion, Tema," said Jeter softly, "even to me." Eyer grinned. "Who knows?" he said. "It may all be just the very latest thing in aerial attack. If so, what country or coalition of countries harbor designs against our good Uncle Sam? Japan? China?"

Silly, of course, but behind the silliness of the thought Jeter thought there might be something of interest, something on which to work. The Jeter-Eyer space ship still was not finished though almost when the world moved into the third week since the disappearance of Franz Kress. An Indian in the Southwest had reported seeing one of those columns of light.

Wang Li was patently trying with all his might to get all four of them before the Jeter-Eyer plane, by shattering the rind, disclosed the inner core to the bombs of the remaining planes. "Lucian!" said the fingers of Eyer. "Can you tell whether anything is happening to the rind?" Jeter hesitated for a long time. There was a distinct and almost nauseating vibration throughout all the space ship.

The prisoners were marched into the room behind Sitsumi, who stepped aside, looking curiously at Jeter and Eyer as they passed him. Inside the door, pausing only a moment to glance over the big room's appointments, Jeter turned on Sitsumi. "Just what do you intend doing with us, Sitsumi?" he asked. "I suppose it's useless to ask you, also, what the meaning of all this is?"