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It humbly works up to the thought that is latent in, that may eventually be read into, its classifications and its forms; it is not, as is generally but naïvely assumed, the final label put upon, the finished thought. Most people, asked if they can think without speech, would probably answer, "Yes, but it is not easy for me to do so. Still I know it can be done." Language is but a garment!

I have answered it for you and now they are out of sight. Do not give way so bitterly, dear friend, don't. You will meet them all again. He whom he thus encouraged, raised his withered hands and clasped them fervently together. 'In heaven. I humbly pray to God in heaven. It sounded like the prayer of a broken heart.

This another of the brothers disliked, because of that epithet silver, which could not, he humbly conceived, in propriety of speech be reasonably applied to a broom-stick; but it was replied upon him that this epithet was understood in a mythological and allegorical sense.

He was pursued and made prisoner by the victors; and on being brought before Caupolican, is said to have humbly implored mercy from the victorious toqui, and to have solicited the intercession of his former page, solemnly engaging to withdraw from Chili with all the Spaniards if his life were spared.

"How much is ninety five millions?" "I am sure I don't know," said Dr. Sandford, gravely. "After I have gone as far as a million or so, I get tired." "But I do not know much about arithmetic," said Daisy, humbly. "Mamma has not wanted me to study. I don't know how much one million is." "Arithmetic does not help one on a journey, Miss Daisy," said the doctor, pleasantly.

But I do possess some intelligence; I didn't need to have Lady Poynter shouting from the house-top that you were ill. You're worn out, you ought to be in bed and you ought to stay there, instead of exciting yourself. Lady Barbara, please stop crying! I don't know what I said, but I'm very humbly sorry. Won't you stop?" She stiffened herself with a jerk and smiled as abruptly. "It was my fault.

This is a very excellent mode of shining in society, and is founded, we humbly conceive, upon the classic model of the dialogues between Mr. Punch and his friend the proprietor, wherein the latter takes all the up-hill work, and is content to pioneer to the jokes and repartees of Mr. P. himself, who never fails to gain great credit and excite much laughter thereby.

The canal-boatmen were all an heroic race, and the boys humbly hoped that some day, if they proved worthy, they might grow up to be drivers; not indeed packet-drivers; they were not so conceited as that; but freight-boat drivers, of two horses, perhaps, but gladly of one.

"And thou art armed, my lord?" "I ride for Thrasfordham-within-Bourne this night, my lady." "But I am come to thee humbly craving thy forgiveness, Beltane." "Nought have I to forgive thee, lady save that thou art woman!" "Thou would'st not have me a man, messire?" "'Twould be less hard to leave thee." "Thou art leaving me then, Beltane?" "Yea, indeed, my lady.

I do not ask you that; I do not ask you anything; but I pray you to ask yourselves these four questions: Am I Christ's scholar? Am I believing on Him? Am I consecrated to Him? Am I the possessor of a new life from Him? And never give yourselves rest until you can say humbly and yet confidently, 'Yes! thank God, I am! 'Herod killed James the brother of John with the sword. ACTS xii. 2.