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"Why, that it seems rather queer that Sam, who was round town desperately trying to raise money with which to get his boat out of pawn suddenly manages to redeem her, and that on the very day after the robbery of Captain Hudgins hut." "By hookey, that's right!" shouted Tubby. "I'll bet your guess was correct, Rob that gang of Jack's robbed the old captain."

Merton, on turning his eyes by chance from the ground, looked to the opposite side of the street, and there beheld a nose. He then turned his eyes to the earth in his usual meditative mood; but, reflecting that a nose without an owner was rather a singular phenomenon, he looked a second time, and there, behind the nose, he saw a man; it was Mr. Hookey himself.

Very late that night, or rather very early next day, in the smoking-room to which such males as it pleased to do so retired for a last cigar, sundry of the younger members of the vanishing shooting-party, and one or two unexplained nondescripts, came to the knowledge of a fact that made one of them say "Hookey!"; another "Crikey!"; and a third and fourth that they were blowed.

It's no nae surprise to me." "He's been lang in marryin'," Hookey Crewe said. "He was thirty at Martinmas," said Pete. "Thirty, was he?" said Hookey. "Man, I'd buried twa wives by the time I was that age, an' was castin' aboot for a third." "I mind o' them," Hendry interposed. "Ay," Hookey said, "the first twa was angels." There he paused. "An' so's the third," he added, "in many respects."

Perhaps he was heavier than he would have been if he had not been carrying the load of guilt which must burden a boy who is playing hookey. At any rate, he fell to the ground, and lay there helpless while the other boys gathered round him, and shared all the alarm he felt for his life.

They are kin. On the freight-house platform they find other boys. Some of them have waited up all night so as not to miss it. They are from across the tracks. They have all the fun, those fellows do. They can swear and chew tobacco, and play hookey from school and have a good time.

Afterward I went to the Mayhew Grammar School, connected in my mind with a mild chastisement for imitating a trombone when a procession passed by. The only other punishment I recall was a spanking by my father for playing "hookey" and roaming in the public garden. I remember Sunday-school parades through certain public streets.

"Sail wi' the flood, is it?" growled Job. "And us wi' scarce any water and half on us rotten wi' scurvy or calenture, an' no luck this cruise, neither! 'Sail wi' the flood, says she 'be damned, says I. By hookey, but I marvel she lives; I wonder no one don't snuff her out for good an' all aye, burn me but I do!" "Because you're a fool, Job, and don't know her like we do.

She was hoping with all her heart now, that Sarah Ford would soon enter the room, but the morning wore on and no Sarah appeared. At last recess came. Such whispering among the girls so many theories advanced to account for Sarah's disappearance. "Playin' hookey," was all Tavia said, in the way she had of making light of things.

Ah, an' by hookey, I would, whether or no, if I was th' bloody rogue ye tell me for, 'stead of an 'ighly respectable genelman o' the road with a eye to business. So now turn out your pockets all an' quick about it." It was strange to see with what apparent eagerness each man stripped himself of such valuables as he possessed, all of which the highwayman appraised with expert eye.