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His assailants lay quietly on the ground, so that when the officer arrived he found an immaculately garbed gentleman dusting off his coat shoulder, and looking at his watch. "What is it, sir?" he cried. "A couple of drunks attacked me, after I wouldn't give them a handout. Then they passed away. You won't need my complaint look at them "

Streets and windows, paintings of the Virgin Mary, beds of the fifty-cent prostitutes, cannon at Verdun and police whistles on crossings; the Pope in Rome, the President in Washington, the man hunting the alleys for a handout, the languorous women breeding in ornamental beds all say a tick-tock.

In the meantime he, Farley, would undertake to float the enterprise in the North, forming a company and selling stock to provide the development capital. The iron-master demurred a little at first. There were difficulties, and he pointed them out. "I don't know, Colonel Farley. It appears like I'm givin' all I've got for a handout at the kitchen door of the big company.

Can we get something to eat?" begged Bob without a smile. "You would, Bob Evans! Thinking of food the first thing!" scolded Joy. "Been out of a job for two months," added Phil. "Then I suppose you want something to eat, too?" "Yes ma'am, I'd like nothing better than a handout." "You'll earn it first, you lazy things," exclaimed Kit. "Always taking the joy out of life, isn't she?"

A bum doesn't walk all this way and back, on a hot day, unless for a handout. And you " "But a handout is just what I asked for," Gavin caught him up. "When I brought Bobby Burns back I traded on the trifling little service by asking Miss Standish if I could get a job here. It was impertinent of me, I know. And I was sorry as soon as I'd done it.

Colonel Baxter laughed heartily over the description of the boys demanding a handout. "And here's another hungry man," he said. "I hope that tea will soon be ready." "We're coming just in a minute, Colonel Baxter," called Joy. Then to Kit she said: "I bet he didn't have a bite of lunch. Let's fix up some cold chicken and apple fritters for him."

There was nothing in the dignified restraint of the Major's response to indicate that his vocal cords ached for exercise and he was fairly quivering in his eagerness for an ear to talk into. There was a silence in which he removed a nose bag, bridled and shoved a horse against the tongue. "Back, can't ye!" "Nooned here, I reckon?" The Major thought of his chickenless handout and his face clouded.

"If somebody ever steals his hammer he'll be doing hotfoots for the handout thing and he'll eat about once a week. "It's a brave and glorious spectacle, isn't it, Bunch, to watch this mouldy writer, with a big newspaper behind him and columns of space at his command, throwing his hooks into actors and actresses who haven't a chance on earth to get back."

These you see here is all the real thing. Maybe we asks fer a handout now and then; but that ain't our reg'lar lay. You ain't swift enough to travel with this bunch, kid, so you'd better duck. Why we gents, here, if we was added up is wanted in about twenty-seven cities fer about everything from rollin' a souse to crackin' a box and croakin' a bull.

In Kwang Sook's school, Sang Huin had asked the children to draw verbs next to a series of words they found from his handout. When this was finished, he would read sentences with those vocabulary words like "A tall boy hits a ball in the air." "How many people are there?" "There is one person," they would say. "What does he do?" "He hits?" "What does he hit?" "He hits a ball." "Where is the ball?"