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Mr. Haley, their favorite trader visits them in a vessel with three masts, and continues some time Youens, visits in a 3 masted vessel- Trader Tallamon do. 3 do. no trader Callallamet do. 3 do. Trader. has a wooden leg. Swipton do. 3 do. Trader. Moore do. 4 do. do. Mackey do. 3 do. do. Washington do. 3 do. do. Mesship do. 3 do. do. Davidson do. 2

"I don't want you here," said the old man, desperately. "Why do you come to disturb me, after so many years?" "I'll go away on one condition," said Ben Haley. "What's that?" "Give me, or lend me I don't care which a hundred dollars." "Do you think I'm made of money?" asked Paul, fear and anger struggling for the mastery. "I think you can spare me a hundred dollars." "Go away! You are a bad man.

And there's steel bars at the winders of it poor feller!" However, it was Nelson Haley himself who used the story of Jack Besmith most tellingly, and for the cause of temperance. As the young fellow had owned to the crime when taxed with it, and had returned most of the coins of the collection, he was recommended to the mercy of the court. But all of Polktown knew of the lad's shame.

"Come, James! let me fill your glass again. You must drink with me to-night. You've never given me that pleasure yet. Come! As well be hung for a sheep as a lamb." Thus importuned, Haley held up his glass which George Manley filled to the brim. "Health and happiness!" the young man said, bowing. Haley bowed in return, placed the glass to his lips, and took its contents at a draught.

'Yer a right brave gal, said the man. 'Go there, pointing to a big white house close by. 'They are kind folks; they'll help you. 'Oh, thank you, thank you, said Eliza, as she walked quickly away. The man stood and looked after her wonderingly. On the other side of the river Haley was standing perfectly amazed at the scene.

"I at once notified Captain Haley of the occurrence, and identified the men who had been in company with the corporal, and who were undoubtedly his murderers. "They were taken into custody, and made a confession, in which they stated that one of their number had stood at my door on the night of the murder to shoot me if I had ventured out to assist the corporal.

Will Ford's particular high-school chum had been Frank Haley, and as a consequence, Frank had been drawn into the circle, along with Roy Anderson, another young man of the town. These young fellows often went off camping, and usually in the vicinity of where the girls had planned to spend their outing days.

"Well, boys," said Haley, "look alive now; we must lose no time." "Not a bit of him, Mas'r!" said Sam, putting Haley's rein in his hand, and holding his stirrup, while Andy was untying the other two horses. The instant Haley touched the saddle, the mettlesome creature bounded from the earth with a sudden spring, that threw his master sprawling, some feet off, on the soft, dry turf.

"One cook lost a young 'un last week, got drownded in a washtub, while she was a hangin' out the clothes, and I reckon it would be well enough to set her to raisin' this yer." Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence, neither seeming willing to broach the test question of the interview.

"I should say you have been reading, Fanny Brandeis," said Emma McChesney. She was smiling, but her eyes were serious. "Now listen to me, child. The very next time a traveling man in a brown suit and a red necktie asks you to take dinner with him at the Haley House even one of those roast pork, queen-fritter-with-rum-sauce, Roman punch Sunday dinners I want you to accept."