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It was an ascent on a summer night from North Woolwich, and on this occasion Coxwell was accompanied by two friends, one being Henry Youens, who subsequently became a professional balloonist of considerable repute, and who at this time was an ardent amateur.

Mr. Haley, their favorite trader visits them in a vessel with three masts, and continues some time Youens, visits in a 3 masted vessel- Trader Tallamon do. 3 do. no trader Callallamet do. 3 do. Trader. has a wooden leg. Swipton do. 3 do. Trader. Moore do. 4 do. do. Mackey do. 3 do. do. Washington do. 3 do. do. Mesship do. 3 do. do. Davidson do. 2

One of the privates was taken at the same time, and his rifle which he had just emptied, was examined with much curiosity by the reb who had taken him, who, after looking it over thoroughly, turned to Alban and said, "What kind of guns do youens use! You load up Saturday night and shoot all the week, don't you?"

Sometimes the Johnnies would take all of this good-naturedly, and at others would call out: "Here, you Yanks, if youens don't keep still I'll shoot in thar," which would have the effect of quieting them for a time. On the 17th of May, we were moved into the stockade, and it was not long before we commenced prospecting to find an opening for an escape.