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"About as usual." Susan snapped out the words and a pillow-case with equal vehemence. "Is he up an' dressed?" "I don't know. I hain't seen him this mornin' but it's safe to say he ain't." "But I thought he was well enough to be up an' dressed right along now."

But he might as well have tried to wrench it from a vise, for Peterkin held it fast and went on: 'Yes, intentions! Thunderation, hain't a chap 'sposed to have intentions when he hangs round a gal who has money like my Ann 'Liza!

I never seed tew fellers set more store by another 'n he did by Reub." "Wonder ef Perez ain't never a comin hum. He hain't been back sence the war. I hearn his folks had word a spell ago, ez he wuz a comin," said Peleg.

Then, shaking his head, he would observe sadly: "Fine young man, he was, too; fine young man. Pore fellow! I reckon we hain't a-goin' to git him." At eleven o'clock. Judge Briscoe dropped wearily from his horse at his own gate, and said to a wan girl who came running down the walk to meet him: "There is nothing, yet. I sent the telegram to your mother to Mrs. Sherwood."

You won't be ashamed of your people." "I reckon I wouldn't be ashamed," said the youth. "I reckon there hain't no better folks nowhar." "I'm sure of it. There are going to be sweeping changes in these mountains. Conditions here have stood as immutably changeless as the hills themselves for a hundred years. That day is at its twilight. I tell you, I know what I'm talking about.

I don't go much though on meetin's; they hain't ever helped me. But a meetin' seems strong for them that likes it." With this assurance Morris was fain to be satisfied and go his way. Bancroft had listened to the colloquy with new feelings. Prepared to regard with admiration all that the Elder said or did, it was not difficult for him now to catch the deeper meaning of the uncouth words.

He made no direct reply, but unfolded the newspaper in his hand, and then Wetherell saw that it was only a clipping. "H-happened to run across this in a newspaper if this hain't this county, I wahn't born and raised here. If it hain't Coniston Mountain about seven o'clock of a June evening, I never saw Coniston Mountain. Er listen to this."

I kinder wanted to go into the Irish Village, and said so; I remarked that you could buy Irish linen and lace there right on the spot. But Josiah sez, thrustin' his portmoney deeper in his pocket, "Id'no why we should go in there, we hain't Irish." But I sez, "Miss Huff said it wuz dretful interestin', Josiah, I'd kinder like to see it."

"I wouldn't wonder if this one would be all right when he gets a saddle on an' is trained," said Joe, and then he added, quickly, "I hain't got anything more to do to-day, an' I'll stay up here an' train him."

Sez I, "You have had so much company ever sence you come to America, that I hain't had no chance to pay attention to you before. "And I wanted to see you the worst kind, and tell you jest the reason I hain't invited you to my house to visit." Sez I, a-bowin' deep, "I am Josiah Allen's Wife, of Jonesville." "Of Jonesville?" sez she, in a silver voice.