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"Exactly so," agreed Gys, coming into the salon in time to overhear this remark. "A nurse should be sympathetic, but impersonally so." "Denton has been married but five months," said Patsy. "I have seen his wife's picture she's a dear little girl! and her letters to him are full of love and longing.

"He isn't dead," said Maud, coming to the car. "Help me to put him inside." "There is no room," protested Gys. The girl looked at him scornfully. "We will make room," she replied. A bullet shattered a pane of glass just beside the crouching doctor, but passed on through an open window without injuring anyone. In fact, bullets were singing around them with a freedom that made others than Dr.

"Well, argue again." The little man cast a half frightened, half reproachful glance at his niece. "Let's go and consult the doctor," he exclaimed, and together Uncle John and Ajo went below. To their surprise, Gys supported Patsy's plea. "He's a fine fellow, this Denton," said he, "and rather above the average soldier. Moreover, his case is a pitiful one.

At this name, Vergniaud's son Cyrillon stirred, and lifting his dark handsome head turned his flashing eyes full on the speaker. "Did you address me, Monsignor?" he queried, in a voice rich with the musical inflexions of Southern France, "I am Gys Grandit!" Had he fired another pistol shot in the quiet room as he had fired it in the church, it could hardly have created a more profound sensation.

Only Gys seemed composed and unworried. "Is it too late to go in chase of the launch?" asked Ajo, breaking a long pause. "They're headed for Ostend, without a doubt, and there's a chance that they may run into a sand-bank in the dark, or break down, or meet with some other accident to delay them." "I believe it's worth our while, sir," answered Carg.

Then he collapsed, crouching lifelessly close to the sand. Uncle John was amazed. He drew back with such an expression of scorn that Gys, lying with face upward, rolled over to hide his own features in the sand. But his form continued to twist and shake convulsively. Patsy came up with her soldier, whose gaudy uniform proclaimed him an officer.

Uncle John lost no time in rushing to his motor car, where he ordered the driver to hasten to the address Dr. Barlow had given him. The offices of Dr. Collins were impressive. Mr. Merrick entered a luxurious reception room and gave his name to a businesslike young woman who advanced to meet him. He had called to see Dr. Gys.

How do you like it?" "I hadn't thought of bombs," he replied. "But we're in for it, and I suppose we'll have to take whatever comes." Now came the doctor, supporting the injured man on one side while Maud Stanton held his opposite arm. Gys was smiling broadly a rather ghastly expression. "No bones broken, sir," he reported to Mr. Merrick. "Only a good shake-up and plenty of bruises.

No two cases were exactly alike and it was interesting, to the verge of fascination, to watch the results of various treatments of divers wounds and afflictions. The girls often congratulated themselves on having secured so efficient a surgeon as Doctor Gys, who gloried in his work, and whose judgment, based on practical experience, was comprehensive and unfailing.

But I had no suspicion of the trick Elbl has played on me to-night," he added with a groan. Their voices had aroused others. Ajo came out of his room, enveloped in a heavy bathrobe, and soon after Maud and Beth joined them. "What's up?" demanded the boy. "The German has tricked us and made his escape," quietly answered Dr. Gys. "For my part, I'm glad of it."