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"That's a searchlight, anyway!" insisted Will. "And I don't believe these ginks in the mines have electric searchlights to lug around with them!" Will unshipped an oar and struck the water with the flat of the blade several times, exerting his whole strength. "Keep it up!" advised George. "That sounds exactly like a beaver's tail connecting with the surface of a stream!"

There was a second's pause in the rush; and, in the pause, Clayton's voice, in a vicious undertone: "You two ginks open your traps, and I'll run you both in!" And then the rush passed, and swept on up the stairs. Jimmie Dale looked at the Runt. The cigarette dangled limply; the Runt's eyes were like a hunted beast's. "Dey got him!" he mumbled. "It's Stace Stace Morse.

"Sure, we saw the ginks go by!" Tommy answered in reply to the first question. "I reckon they won't have anything to ride in about an hour if they keep up that gait." "Did they stop or say anything to you as they passed?" was asked. "I should say not!" replied Tommy. "They went by like Mexicans going to a bull-fight! They showed their guns, but they didn't say a word or do any shooting!"

"An' communicate with the ginks that have been chasing us ever since we left the submarine," concluded the boy. "In time, Jimmie," Ned answered, "you may even get into the thinking row. I have been wondering ever since we came in here if we were not with enemies instead of friends." "I can soon find out," declared Jimmie. "Yes? How, may I ask?"

Keep your eyes peeled for buoys, you ginks, and keep those leads going." Calm and imperturbable, a huge, square-faced giant of a man, Jenkins naturally assumed the leadership of this band of jail-breakers. The light from the binnacle illuminated a countenance of rugged yet symmetrical features, stamped with prison pallor, but also stamped with a stronger imprint of refinement.

"It's because we've been too confoundedly easy with these fellows," snorted Billy wrathfully. "We've gone on the theory that if we treated 'em white and gave 'em a square deal they'd appreciate it and behave themselves. We might have known better." "The French and English know these ginks better than we do, and they've put the boots into them from the start," growled Tom.

It seems that you have some faint glimmerings of literary appreciation, since you read London Punch there, but those other ginks don't even read that much! Let's go up and inspect their playing, especially that of Mr. Hicks," Holmes concluded, winking meaningly at me, as we left the library and mounted the stairs.

A million dollars in jools in a chest y' could open with a can-opener. Queer ginks, these Hindus. We see lots o' fakers, but this one is the real article. Mebbe a reward. All right; little ol' Haggerty can use th' money. I may not be home t' supper." "Anything more about Mr. Crawford's valet?" Haggerty scowled. "Not a line. I've been living in gambling joints, but no sign of him.

"Stick to him and you'll wear diamonds that's what he tries to put across," was Lise's comment on Mr. Frear's method, and thus Janet gained the impression that her sister's feelings were not deeply involved. "If I thought he'd make good with the sprinkler I might talk business. But say, he's one of those ginks that's always tryin' to beat the bank. He's never done a day's work in his life.

Well, if, at the end of the ten days, when you unlace me, I smile up at you in the same way, will you give a sack of Bull Durham and a package of brown papers to Morrell and Oppenheimer?" "Ain't they the crazy ginks, these college guys," Captain Jamie snorted. Warden Atherton was a choleric man, and he took my request for insulting braggadocio.