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"But they're not as big as the tuna in those two leading schools. I'm glad those ginks in that boat are tied up with a tuna for a spell." I took a look at the fisherman who was fighting the tuna.

As the visitor was shown to the elevator, the clerk turned to his assistant with a nudge. "There's the easiest spender of the Lobster Club. That means good trade here, with this new peach in the crate. These old ginks are hard as Bessemer armor-plate in business, but oh, how soft the tumble for a new shade of peroxide." "Mr.

"You ginks do a lot of talking!" he said. "Run along with the Captain and I'll take care of Ned." Ned and Frank examined the ground around the pier and walked up and down the river bank for some distance.

Little old Intuition, with a capital I, told me that they were the ginks I was after." And the accomplished old poser calmly whittled away at the sliver of wood in his hand. "Aw, come off!" I replied. "I really thought you could hand me something more plausible than that, Holmes.

Then we couldn't get up the side, and the woman come with a tablecloth, that held me up until I was towed to the anchor ladder. That's all. I just want to hear one o' you ginks say a word about that woman that she wouldn't like to hear. That's for you all and for you, Forsythe, a little more in good time." "Bully for the woman!" growled old Kelly. "Wonder if we treated her right."

In fact, I may have mentioned casually that a whole case of Gordon was worth riskin' a blister here and there. As for Nick, he simply listens and gasps. You know how desperate some of them sporty ginks are, who started out so gay only a year or so ago with a private stock in the cellar that they figured would last 'em until the country rose in wrath and undid Mr. Volstead's famous act?

But that sort hasn't the desire for a scrap unless they can pull it from behind a rock. And, by the same token, they won't last five minutes in the face of a charge. Get me?" "But the ginks on the mountain will pick us off pretty lively as we hit the trail down the slope here," said a thoughtful voice. Then Norton explained further. He meant to eliminate the other crowd; it could be done.

"Go slow, you infernal ginks," he snarled at them, "or you'll be so drunk in an hour that you won't know your names. Ready in there, Munson?" "Yes," answered Munson from the pilot-house. Forsythe put the sextant to his eye, and swept it back and forth for a few moments. "Time," he called suddenly, and, lowering the sextant, looked in on Munson. "Got it?" asked Munson.

"Yeh better come up an' stan' trial if he gives yeh the chanct." "Stan' nothin'," sneered Billy. "Swell chanct I'd have wit him an' Squint Eye holdin' court over me. Not on yer life, Bony. I'm here, an' here I stays till I croaks, but yeh better believe me, I'm goin, to croak a few before I goes, so if any of you ginks are me frien's yeh better keep outen here so's yeh won't get hurted.

I read about it in one of them history books you lent me. He was a tight-wad old gink, he was. Are you goin' to give these guys as much every meal, ma'am?" "I mean to, of course," declared Mrs. Barnes. "Nobody shall starve at my table. And please, Imogene, don't call people ginks and guys. That ain't nice talk for a young woman." Imogene apologized and promised to be more careful.