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Simeon Geltfin, had once upon a time been proprietor of the Ne Plus Ultra Misfit Clothing Parlors at Utica, New York, a place where secondhand habiliments, scoured and ironed, dangled luringly in show windows bearing such enticing labels as "Tailor's Sample Nobby $9.80," "Bargain Take Me Home For $5.60," and "These Trousers Were Uncalled For $2.75." The premier director, Mr.

These words became intelligible as Quinlan, exerting his superior vocal powers, dinned out the sputtering inarticulate accents of Geltfin. "He fixed it so that you'd spill the beans, Lobel! He fixed The She-Demon Josephson. And me trusting him! "How should I be knowing that all this time him and that girl was secretly engaged to be married?

Only for your fool talk I would never have had the idee of a ghost at all. And now now when the cow is all spilt milk you two come and " "Oh, but Lobel," countered Geltfin, "remember you was the one that made 'em burn up the negative without giving it a look at all!" "He said it, Lobel!" reënforced Quinlan. "You was the one that just would have the negative burned up whether or no.

There ain't nothing we should reproach ourselves about, and besides we didn't know even she was sick nobody knew. "Dead and gone, poor girl, and not one week ago six days, if I got to be exact she is sitting right there in that same seat where you're sitting now, Geltfin, looking just as natural and healthy as what you look, Geltfin; looking just as if nothing is ever going to happen to her." Mr.

"So you don't need you should worry there, Geltfin. The doctor tells me he can't get no regular trained nurse on account there is so much sickness from this flu and no regular nurses there anyway, but he tells me he brings in his wife which she understands nursing and he says the wife sticks right there day and night and gives every attention.

"I got it!" He threw himself at an inner door of the executive suite and jerked it open. "Appel," he shouted, "don't start yet! I got more instructions still for you. And say, Appel, you ain't seen nobody but only Quinlan and Geltfin eh? You ain't told nobody only just them? Good! Well, don't! Don't telephone nobody! Don't speak a word to nobody! Don't move from where you are!"

It was the part which you said about the public not standing for it that got me, because for once, anyhow, in your life you were right and I give you right. But what the public don't know don't hurt 'em. And the public won't know. You leave it to me!" It was as though this argument had been a mighty arm outstretched to shove him over the edge. Geltfin ceased to teeter on the brim he fell in.

But no, you had to lose your nerve and lose your head just because you'd had a scare throwed into you." "I never lose my head! I never lose my nerve!" denied Mr. Lobel. He turned the counter tide of recriminations on Geltfin. "Anyhow, it was you started it, Geltfin you in the first place, right here in this room, with your craziness about the dead coming back.

The scene was launched, acquired headway, then was halted as a bellow from Mr. Lobel warned the operator behind him to cut off the power. "What the hell!" sputtered the master. "There's a blur on the picture here, a sort of a kind of smokiness. Did you see it, Geltfin? Right almost directly in front of Monte it all of a sudden comes! Did you, Quinlan?" "Sure I seen it," agreed Geltfin.

And this morning she goes out of her head and at two-forty-five this afternoon all of a sudden her heart gives out on her and she is dead before anybody knows it. Awful, awful!" Mr. Lobel wagged a mournful poll. "More than awful actually it is horrifying!" quoth Mr. Geltfin. Visibly at least his distress seemed greater than the distress of either of the others.