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This is filled with people and the doors closed; then, amid the murmurs of priests and beating of gongs, two sliding-doors are drawn aside, and the horrible she-demon, with swollen blood-red tongue, comes into view for a moment only, and the gifts are thrown at her.

Instead they gain the interest it piles up. "Should people ask questions, why then through the papers we give it out that Miss Vida Monte is gone far off away somewhere for a long rest; that maybe she don't take no more pictures for a long time. That should make The She-Demon go all the better.

When he repeated this to his wife she disappeared; and he never saw or heard of her after. In view of these narratives there can be little doubt as to the meaning of the Arab tradition of the she-demon, from whom one of the clans was descended. Her union with their human father came suddenly to an end when she beheld a flash of lightning.

He nodded in surrender and Lobel quit patting him on the back to wave the vice president into activity. "Quinlan," he ordered as he might order an office boy, "get busy! Tell 'em to rush The She-Demon! Tell 'em to rush the subtitles and all!

Josephson shot all the scenes for The She-Demon he knows the run of it better even than the director does. Besides, Josephson is naturally close-mouthed. He minds his own business and never butts in anywhere. To look at him you can't never tell what he's thinking about. But even if he suspected anything and, of course, he don't he's the kind that'd know enough to keep his trap shut.

This time it was Quinlan who interrupted: "You said it all, Lobel, and it's no need that you should go on saying it any more. The main points, I take it, are that we're all sorry and that we've lost one swell big asset by her dying only it's lucky for us she didn't take ill before we got through shooting The She-Demon." "Lucky? Huh! Actually, lucky ain't the right word for it!" said the president.

These words became intelligible as Quinlan, exerting his superior vocal powers, dinned out the sputtering inarticulate accents of Geltfin. "He fixed it so that you'd spill the beans, Lobel! He fixed The She-Demon Josephson. And me trusting him! "How should I be knowing that all this time him and that girl was secretly engaged to be married?

I was frightened at her sight, and said within myself, is it possible this she-demon can be beloved by so beautiful a young man, and is this the creature he praised so highly, and spoke of with such affection! I muttered the form of exorcism, and became silent.

But Mata, undismayed, stood up in scornful silence. She was gathering herself together like a storm, and in an instant more had hurled upon him the full terror of her vocabulary. She called him a barbarian, a mountain goat, a Tengu, better mated to a fox spirit or a she-demon than to a decent girl like her young mistress.

Well then, would the public stand for a picture where a good, decent, straight girl that's dead and will soon be in her grave is for six reels doing all them suggestive vampire stunts like what you yourself, Lobel, made her do? Would the public stand for calling a dead woman names like she-demon? They would not not in a thousand years and you should both know it without I should have to tell you!