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I wonder if you've seen him around before, young Hammond?" "I beg pardon," says he, "but do you refer to Royce Hammond?" "That's the guy," says I. "Kind of a husky young hick, eh?" He stares at me cold and disapprovin'. "I am Royce Hammond!" says he. You could have bought me for a yesterday's rain check. "Wha-a-at!" says I, gawpin'. "You you are "

He stands there with his mouth open, gawpin' at me, and tryin' to figure out what's broke loose; so I pushes to the front and helps him out. "There's a bunch of also rans out there, Mr. Pepper," says I, "that don't know when to fade. They're just grouchy because I've swiped the job." I was lookin' for him to sit up at that; but he don't. "What makes you think that you've got it!" says he.

"Y' dunna want to be gawpin' around after pennies when there's guineas to be picked up," she replied, with a toss of her head. "Struth, I wish at times I wasna quite so pretty. There's some men, bless you, I know one myself, such fools that they think a pretty wench doesna want kissin'. But, sartin sure, there's never been the like of 'er ladyship in Newcastle in my time.

And as he says the last two words he puts his palms at right angles to his ears, thumbs in, and bows three times. "Eh?" says I, gawpin'. "I refer," says Cyril, "to the Brotherhood of the Sacred Owls, which is also named the Sublime Order of Humility and Wisdom." And once more he does the ear wigwag. Believe me, he had us all gaspin'. "Vurra good, Eddie!" says I. "Sacred Owls, eh?

"Swifty," says I, hangin' up the 'phone, "trot around to the Casino and get a lower box for to-night, while I find a florist's and order an eight-foot horseshoe of American beauties." "Chee!" says Swifty, gawpin'. "What's doin'?" "I'm tryin' to celebrate a doubleheader," says I.

"Oh, each one seems to have his own specialty," says I. "Take Austin Gordon, one of the Standard Oil crowd, who only shows up at 26 Broadway for the annual meetings now. You'd never guess what his hobby is. Puppet shows." "Eh?" says Garvey, gawpin'.

Zosco," says I, "but Ellery has discovered a deep laid plot." "Eh?" says Zosco, gawpin'. "To do away with you and your wife," I goes on. "He says your brother Jake is in it, and Mrs. Jake, and the butler, and maybe a lot of others. Isn't that right, Ellery?" "Yep," says Ellery. "They're all crooks." "What confounded tommyrot!" says Zosco. "Why why, Jake wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Eh?" says I, gawpin' at him. "Been brushing up on my dancing, too," goes on Stanley. "And say, if there's still a vacancy in that dinner dance club I think Marge and I would like to go in." "But I thought you said you didn't dance any more?" says I. "I didn't think I could," says Stanley, "until Dot got me at it again the other night. Why, do you know, she quite encouraged me. She said "

"He's only the owner, and precious little bossing he can do on this job. I'm working for McNibbs, the contractor." "You you mean you're a reg'lar painter?" says I, gawpin'. "Got to be, or I couldn't handle a brush here," says Hartley. "This is a union job." "But but how long has this been goin' on, Hartley?" I asks. "I've held my card for nearly three months now," says he.

If he has with him at that time certain odd pieces of antique jewelry, you may report over the 'phone to me and I will tell you what to do next." I expect I was gawpin' some, and starin' from one to the other of 'em, for Mr. Ellins scowls and clears his throat menacin'. "Well?" he growls. "I was just lettin' it sink in, sir," says I. "Humph!" he snorts.