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For an instant she paused, as though about to speak, then swept from the room. A moment later a door banged across the passage. "How do they get that way?" queried the detective, "Well, g'bye, Mr. Moffam. Sorry to have butted in." The door closed. Archie waited a few moments, then went to the window and hauled in the slack. Presently the bag appeared over the edge of the window-sill.

"G'bye;" and Jack Meredith turned over on his side as if he were in bed, drew up the blanket, and closed his eyes. He did not seem to know where he was, and, what was worse, he did not seem to care. Oscard gave the signal to the bearers, and the march began.

And you're to come out to-morrow and have tea and things in the afternoon, and I'm going to be before sister is, after all. She's perfectly furious about it and says I ought to be put back into short skirts, but I just perfectly knew it the very first time I ever looked at you. Stay around there, in case I think of something I've forgotten. G'bye." Wednesday a little old steamer sailing at noon!

Well, g'bye. Mus' be going. No time t' waste." Mrs. Pett leaned back faintly in her chair. She felt overcome. Downstairs, on her way out, Miss Trimble had paused in the hall to inspect a fine statue which stood at the foot of the stairs. It was a noble work of art, but it seemed to displease her. She snorted. "Idle rich!" she muttered scornfully. "Brrh!" The portly form of Mr.

A charming girl. Well, there's no time like the present. Yes. I've lunched. I'm just through with my mail. Four o'clock would suit me admirably. Why sure I'd like to. All right. G'bye." He stood for a moment after replacing the receiver. Then, becoming aware of another wanting to use the instrument, he moved away.

'Course it's getting the plant's the trouble. No one'll believe me. Disheartening. Took that sample to the Bank of England they asked me where I bought it bought it! Lord! Oh well one of these days, I suppose. Meet again perhaps. G'bye." And with a cheery wave of the hand he vaulted the railings and ran lightly across the grass. "I'm damned," said Richard.

'Go on, Welch, he gasped. 'I'm done. Welch stopped short in his stride, and eyed him critically. 'Yes, he said, 'better get back to the House. You overdid it yesterday. Lie down somewhere. G'bye. And he got into his stride again. Jim watched his figure diminish, until at last it was a shapeless dot of white against the brown surface. Then he lay down on his back and panted.

Ramsey got his guitar case, and turned to Milla. "Well " he said. "Well what, Ramsey?" "Well g'bye." "Why, no," said Milla. "Anyways not yet. You can go back in the same wagon with me. It's going to stop at the school and let us out there, and then you could walk home with me if you felt like it. You could come all the way to our gate with me, I expect, unless you'd be late home for your supper."

Why, that's just fine. Well, I'm dying to hear your news. Splendid. I shall be here. G'bye." Peterman set the 'phone down. His smiling eyes challenged those of the man who a moment before had derided him. "Well?" Hellbeam's impatience was without scruple at any time. "She's got back all right, and she's succeeded far better than you hoped. Better than she hoped herself.

It occurred to me at the time that bird's-eye views are not usually ordered at ten o'clock at night; but I was too absorbed in watching my friend's expression of bewilderment, doubt, delight and anticipation in rapid succession, and I did no more than shrug. At length he smiled broadly, remarked, "Right. I'll get busy. See you later, Jimmy. G'bye," and rang off.