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"Angus," said Tam to his batman, "while A'm bravin' the terrors of the foorth dimension in the morn " "Is that the new scoutin' machine, Sergeant?" demanded the interested batman. "The foorth dimension, ma puir frien', is a tairm applied by philosophers of the Royal Flyin' Coop to the space between France an' heaven." "Oh, you mean the hair!" said the disappointed servant.

But I 'spec' Miss Lucy Buckner done he'p some in de settleMENT. Foh de day befoh de weddin' was gwine ter be, she ups an' she runs off wid a Yankee frien' of her brother, Kunnel Tom Buckner. An' I'se 'spec' Kunnel Tom an' Marse Prent McMakin would o' settle' HIM ef dey evah had o' cotched him dat dar David Ahmstrong!" "Who?" says I.

"Well," replied Tam cautiously, "A' do an' A' doon't it's for ma frien', Fitzroy McGinty, the celebrated MacMuller mairderer." Galbraith looked at him with laughter in his eyes. "Fitzroy McGinty? And who the devil is Fitzroy McGinty?" Tam cleared his throat "Ma frien' Fitzroy McGinty is, like Tam, an oornament o' the Royal Fleein' Coor.

Good Indian was conscious of a distinct disappointment, though he kept it from his voice when he answered: "Oh, it's you, Peppajee. What you do here? Why you no sleepum yo' wikiup?" Peppajee held up a slim, brown hand for silence, and afterward rested it upon the saddle-fork. "Yo' heap frien' Peaceful. Me heap frien' all same. Mebbyso we talk. Yo' get down.

If daughter', they'll be of the faith and conduc' of the mother; if son', faith of the mother, conduc' of the father; and I think with that even you, pries' of God, be satizfie', eh? "My dear frien', you know what I billieve? Me, I billieve in heaven they are waiting impatiently for that marriage." The priest may have been professionally delinquent, but he chose to leave the argument unrefuted.

"'Scuse familiarity," added Peter, as an afterthought. "Edith, good-morning." He seized Dean's elbow and impelled him into the foreground. "Meet Mr. In, Edith, my bes' frien'. Inseparable. Mr. In and Mr. Out." Mr. Out advanced and bowed; in fact, he advanced so far and bowed so low that he tipped slightly forward and only kept his balance by placing a hand lightly on Edith's shoulder. "I'm Mr.

A blooming spangled orf'cer!" shrieked Simmons; "I'll make a scarecrow of that orf'cer!" The trap stopped. "What's this?" demanded the Major of Gunners. "You there, drop your rifle." "Why, it's Jerry Blazes! I ain't got no quarrel with you, Jerry Blazes. Pass, frien', an' all's well!" But Jerry Blazes had not the faintest intention of passing a dangerous murderer.

That mak him better nature. Beppo not so ugly now." "Well, I'm glad of that," said Bridge. "I haven't been looking forward much to his company through the woods to-night especially while he was hungry!" Giova laughed a low, musical little laugh. "I don' think he no hurt you anyway," she said. "Now he know you my frien'." "I hope you are quite correct in your surmise," replied Bridge.

Tha's place, there's where I stayed. His son's my frien', damn stuck-up, supercilious beast he is, too! I do' care f'r him! I'll show you place, so's't you'll know it when you come to it, 'f I can ever find it." They walked up and down the street, looking, while Bartley poured his sorrows into the ear of his friend, who grew less and less responsive, and at last ceased from his side altogether.

You you no see it, because she come to you with a smile, when every one else, he frown. You think she is the angel, yes, oui? But she come to Ba'teese different. She talk to you sof' and she try to turn you against your frien'. Yes. Oui? Ne c'est pas? Ba'teese see her with the selfish mouth. Peuff! He see her when she look to heem out from the corner of her eye so. Ba'teese know.