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What have these men in common with me?" Stuart found himself holding his breath as he awaited a reply for he knew that he was on the verge of learning that which poor Gaston Max had given his life to learn. A moment Fo-Hi hesitated and in that moment his captive recognised, and shuddered to recognise, that he won this secret too late.

"Your unconsciousness was prolonged," explained Fo-Hi, consulting an open book written in Chinese characters, "by an injection which I found it necessary to make. Otherwise, as you remark, it would have been prolonged indefinitely. Your clever but rash companion was less happy." "What!" cried Stuart "he is dead? You fiend! You damned yellow fiend!"

"In his present state of imperfect understanding it is quite possible," said Fo-Hi smoothly. "But if he refuses to achieve greatness he must have greatness thrust upon him. Van Rembold, I seem to recall, hesitated for some time to direct his genius to the problem of producing radium in workable quantities from the pitchblend deposits of Ho-Nan.

Even as he leapt, and as the Scotland Yard men closed in upon the chair also, all of them armed and all half fearful, a thing happened which struck awe to every heart for it seemed to be supernatural. Raising a metal hammer which he held in his hand, Fo-Hi struck the bronze bell hung beside the chair. It emitted a deep, loud note....

Save for the hissing of the furnace and the clanking of the chain as he strove with all his strength to win freedom, that wonderful evil room was silent as the King's Chamber at the heart of the Great Pyramid. His gaze reverted to the yellow flask. "Oh, my God!" he groaned. Terror claimed him the terror which he had with difficulty been fending off throughout that nightmare interview with Fo-Hi.

As he leaned over the counter, scrutinising his visitors, Max thrust forward the golden scorpion held in the palm of his hand. "Hoi, hoi" chattered the Chinaman. "Fo-Hi fellers, eh? You hab got plenty much late. Other fellers Fo-Hi pidgin plenty much sooner. You one time catchee allee same bhobbery, b'long number one joss-pidgin man!"

"Ah!" said Miska, her eyes opening widely "you are going to punish me again! For why? Because I am a woman and cannot always be cruel?" From its place on the wall Fo-Hi took a whip. At that: "Ah! no, no!" she cried. "You drive me mad! I am only in part of the East and I cannot bear it I cannot bear it!

I have already said" the eyes of Fo-Hi gleamed through the hideous veil "that I bear him no ill will." "But you plan to carry him to China like those others." "I assign him a part in the New Renaissance yes. In the Deluge that shall engulf the world, his place is in the Ark. I honor him." "Perhaps he rather remain a nobody than be so honored."

"Miska!" he whispered "Miska!" She exhibited intense but repressed excitement and fear. Creeping to the second door that by which Fo-Hi had gone out she pressed her ear to the lacquered panel and listened intently. Then, coming swiftly to the table, she took up a bunch of keys, approached Stuart and, kneeling, unlocked the gyves. The scent of jasmine stole to his nostrils.

A moment Fo-Hi stood so. Then passion swept him from his feet and he seized her fiercely. "Your eyes drive me mad!" he hissed. "Your lips taunt me, and I know all earthly greatness to be a mirage, its conquests visions, and its fairness dust. I would rather be a captive in your white arms than the emperor of heaven! Your sweetness intoxicates me, Miska. A fever burns me up!"