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Miska leapt to her feet, as Chunda Lal, never once glancing at her, went out bearing the rods, and closed the door behind him. Fo-Hi turned and confronted her. "Shall I speak to you in the soft Arab tongue? Come to me, lovely Miska. Let me feel how that sorrowful heart will leap like a captive gazelle." But Miska shrank back from him, pale to the lips. "Very well."

"In the crowded foyer of a hotel," continued Fo-Hi imperturbably, "of a theatre, of a concert-room; in the privacy of their home, of their office; wherever opportunity offered, I caused them to be touched with the point of a hypodermic needle such as this." He held up a small hypodermic syringe. They were buried alive; but no surgeon in Europe or America would have hesitated to certify them dead.

He leapt toward Miska and she fled shrieking before him. Running around a couch which stood near the centre of the room, she sprang to the door and beat upon it madly. "Chunda Lal!" she cried "Chunda Lal!" Fo-Hi was close upon her, and she turned striving to elude him. "Oh, merciful God! Chunda Lal!" The name burst from her lips in a long frenzied scream. Fo-Hi had seized her!

"Why do you allow them, strangers, coming here to-night!" Ah-Fang-Fu continued complacently to arrange the cards. "S'pose hab gotchee pidgin allee samee Chunda Lal hab got? Fo-Hi no catchee buy bled and cheese for Ah-Fang-Fu. He" nodding casually in the direction of Bill Bean "plitty soon all blissful." "Be very careful, Ah-Fang-Fu," said Chunda Lal tensely. He lowered his voice.

Since I must leave England to-night, the model must be destroyed, and unfortunately a good collection of bacilli has already suffered the same fate." Placidly, slowly, and unmoved from his habit of unruffled dignity, Fo-Hi placed the model in a deep mortar, whilst Stuart watched him speechless and aghast.

We spoke of the Norwegian Henrick Ericksen. This is his most recent contribution to our armament." Fo-Hi rested on long yellow hand upon a kind of model searchlight. "I nearly committed the clumsy indiscretion of removing you with this little instrument," he said. "You recall the episode? Ericksen's Disintegrating Ray, Dr. Stuart.

Inspector," interrupted Gaston Max, "but you have never seen Zara el-Khala! I have seen her and I forgive him, also!" Stuart continued rapidly: "We have little time to waste. There are only three people in the house, so far as I am aware: Miska known to you, M. Max, as Zara el-Khala the Hindu, Chunda Lal, and Fo-Hi "

Emotion shook him and he sat clutching the leopard-skins and glaring madly at the cowled figure. "Fortunately," resumed Fo-Hi, "my people with one exception succeeded in making their escape. I may add that the needless scuffling attendant upon arresting this unfortunate follower of mine, immediately outside the door of the house, led to the discovery of your own presence.

Then, from beneath his robe he took a small key. Approaching an ornate cabinet set against the wall to the left of one of the lacquer doors, he inserted the key in a hidden lock, and slid the entire cabinet partly aside revealing an opening. Fo-Hi bent, peering down into the darkness of the passage below.

He found it almost impossible to believe that such a being as Fo-Hi existed, that such deeds had been done, were being done, in England, as those of which he had heard from the sinister cowled man.