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Taking down the hose, he opened the watercock, stuck in the nozzle, and turned on the water full force. Windows were broken across the street. Parts of the fire-box, boiler, and fire flew everywhere. The walls blew out, the roof lifted and came down, the fire raged among the new, dry timbers of the mill. When her windows blew in, Kate was thrown from her bed to the floor.

The oven is the space under and around the back and front sides of the fire-box. The oven-bottom is not introduced in the diagram, but it is a horizontal plate between the fire-box and what is represented as the "flue-plate," which separates the oven from the bottom of the stove. The top of the oven is the horizontal corrugated plate passing from the rear edge of the fire-box to the back flues.

He jammed and pulled everything he could reach. Soon he realized the heat was becoming intense, and turned to the boiler to see that the fire-box was red hot almost all over, white hot in places. "My God!" he muttered. "Too hot! Got to cool that down." Then he saw the tank and the dangling hose, and remembered that he had not filled the boiler.

"Tavish's pets," he chuckled. "He says they're company. I've seen a dozen of them on his shoulders at one time. Queer. Queer." His hands made the rasping sound as he rubbed them. Suddenly he lifted a lid from the stove and peered into the fire-box. "He put fuel in here less than an hour ago," he said. "Wonder where he can be mouching at this hour. The dogs are gone." He scanned the table.

Downs caught up the shovel which lay at his feet, and brought it down hard on a man who was climbing over the tender; then without turning he drove the handle squarely into the face of another who was standing on the step and trying to clutch his legs. But the odds were too great, and in a moment he was rushed back against the fire-box, and his arms were pinioned fast.

In these machines, the rules and proportions of the locomotive engine are adapted to the requirements of stationary power, for all purposes under forty horse power. The leading ideas are: high velocity, high pressure, good valve motion, large fire-box, numerous and short flues, and steam blast.

A cup of coffee, for instance, makes a very poor breakfast to start the day on; for although it gives you a comforting sense of having eaten something warm and satisfying, it contains very little real food, and soon leaves you feeling empty and tired; just as an engine would give out if you put a handful of shavings into its fire-box, and expected it to do four hours' work on them.

I wouldn't trust that man as fur as you could throw a bull by the tail." It was a cold clear night and when we reached home the new stove was snapping with the heat in its fire-box and the pudding puffing in the pot and old Shep dreaming in the chimney corner. Aunt Deel gave me a hug at the door. Shep barked and leaped to my shoulders. "Why, Bart!

Tom, stripped to his waist, was struggling back and forth between the tender and the engine with logs of wood which he shoved into the fire-box. The General was belching great clouds of black smoke; red sparks flashed back over the train like a plume waving in the breeze. "That's enough," yelled Knight. "We've got a full head of steam now. Push her, Brown, push her!"

Miss Sterling laughed softly. "What a little fire-box you are!" she said. "Oh, yes, laugh!" pouted Polly. "Of course, you don't care, because you don't like him as I do; but I think it is mean for him to be engaged just when I was so glad he wasn't! You haven't told me who it is yet anybody I know?" "Yes." "Somebody here in town, then?" "Yes, right here." "I don't see who it can be.