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Ma niece, par exemple, Madame de Connal, I may cite as a woman of la plus belle reputation, sans tache what you call unblemish." "Assuredly," said Ormond, "you could not, I hope, think me so indiscreet I believe I said ladies in the plural number." "Ah! oui, assuredly, and I can name you twenty.

Sans doute, Monsieur, 'tis very wonderful, all this, and then, also, 'tis very convenient. Our ships must have a steersman, you know. And, par exemple, unless we call it sympathetic, that strange susceptibility which we see in many persons, detect in ourselves sometimes, what name have we to give it at all?

We know, par exemple, that horsemen alone cannot hope to win against good foot-soldiers. Has it not been tried at Courtrai, at Stirling, and again under my own eyes at Crecy, where the chivalry of France went down before our bowmen?" Nigel stared at him, with a perplexed brow. "Fair sir, my heart grows heavy as I hear you.

L'histoire de la science a beaucoup a profiter de cet exemple frappant. Je suis absolument de votre avis sur le role de l'Angleterre en Egypte; vous n'avez qu'a faire ce que nous avons fait a Tunis, ou les choses marchent a souhait. C'est l'interet de votre grand pays, en meme temps que l'interet de la civilisation et de l'humanite.

'Que les hommes prives, says that brilliant writer, speaking of Prince Charles, 'qui se croyent malheureux, jettent les yeux sur ce prince et ses ancetres. In another place he thus sums up the sad story of the family in general: II n'y a aucun exemple dans l'histoire d'une maison si longtems infortunee.

It may be all well enough for married people, who, from the mere fact of being married, are always entitled to certain consideration, put par exemple into a bed-room, a little larger than a dog kennel, and accommodated with a looking-glass, that does not distort one's features like a paralytic stroke.

I have heard much of it from the dear exiles Glengarry par exemple, when he desired to borrow the cost of a litre or the price of the diligence to Dun-querque in the season when new-come Scots were reaching there in a humour to be fleeced by a compatriot with three languages at command and the boast of connections with Versailles." Mungo quite comprehended.

Is that what you call language? Ours is another business." "If you understood, if you understood, you'd see all the greatness of it," Miriam declared. And then in another tone: "Such delicious expressions!" "On dit que c'est très-fort. But who can tell if you really say it?" Madame Carré demanded. "Ah, par exemple, I can!" Sherringham answered. "Oh you you're a Frenchman."

Mere empty terms to me, meaning nothing. I think I agree with you though, in one or two points concerning the Princess; par exemple, I do not look upon her as one of those delicately embodied purities of womanhood before whom we men instinctively bend in reverence, but whom, at the same time, we generally avoid, ashamed of our vileness. No; she is certainly not one of the

"Quand il parait un homme de genie en France," says Madame de Stael, "dans quelque carriere que ce soit, il atteint presque toujours a un degre de perfection sans exemple; car il reunit l'audace qui fait sortir de la route commune au tact du bon gout." And yet in vast political interests they are victims, in the more earnest developments of the soul, children.