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In the mornin' he gits a hoss, rode round with ther boys, and when he cum back, went down inter his pocket, drew out er wallet, and counted out thirty $1,000 gold notes, saying: 'I will take ther place. "'It's a go, says I. "We went ter town and hed ther papers fixed up. That war last February.

In fact, if things turn out the way I want, I may shut my eyes to one or two little phases of your er let us call it career. I may ignore one or two little things that, under other circumstances, might need explaining." "You mean you want me for a stool pigeon?" "Something like that, yes." "And suppose I refuse?" "That's up to you, Kate.

"Hit sure is er fine night for to go 'possum huntin'," said the girl, at last, getting to her feet and standing in her twisted attitude, with her wry neck holding her head to one side. "Them there Jackson boys'll sure be out." Auntie Sue laughed her low chuckling laugh. From the edge of the timber that borders the fields of the bottom-lands across the river, came the baying of hounds.

"I I have taken the liberty to arrange the room as I should wish it to be," he said awkwardly. "You see, Mrs. er Bunting, I felt as I sat here that these women's eyes followed me about. It was a most unpleasant sensation, and gave me quite an eerie feeling." The landlady was now laying a small tablecloth over half of the table.

Mr. Jayres scowled until it seemed as if his black eyebrows would meet his bristly upper lip, and then he said: "Bootsey, before you come to the office to-morrow morning you'd better go to the Gallinipper Laundry in Washington Place, and tell a man named Tobey who keeps it, that er that I've gone out of town for a few days, Bootsey, on a pressing matter of business." The friends of Mr.

He looked rather flushed and sodden, and the dyeing of his hair was more obvious than it had been. "Fancy meeting you!" gasped Joanna. "Er how are you, Miss Godden?" "Do you know when there's a train to Rye?" "I'm sorry, I don't. I've just been saying good-bye to my son Lawrence he's off to Africa or somewhere, but I couldn't wait till his train came in. I've got to go over to St.

"Boston, Uncle Jethro!" "Er to-morrow at one to-morrow like to go to Boston?" "Yes," she said thoughtfully, "I remember parts of it. The Common, where I used to walk with Daddy, and the funny old streets that went uphill. It will be nice to go back to Coniston that way over Truro Pass in the train."

Say, I thought Britishers were slow, but you got your finger on the right button first shove. It's the very thing for him change, open air, the bridge Wait a minute, though! With the chances more than even that it's Tommy's own Until he makes good on the dam, nobody would take his word against that lallapaloozer's." "I er beg pardon. I fail to take you," said Lord James.

He stepped aside to let his companion be seen. "This," he explained, "is your er guest." Mary put out her hand, but the little man, who had been standing behind the Professor, made no motion to take it. He was staring at the planks of the platform; he lifted his eyes for an instant to glance at her, and dropped them again at once.

I sure did an old shipmate," and he spoke the words slowly. "For instance who?" asked Captain Brisco, and the words seemed to come out like the closing of the jaws of a steel trap. "Oh er you wouldn't know if I told you," said Jack. "I guess I was mistaken," he added. "And I'm sure of it," Captain Brisco said, coolly. "I don't know many in these parts, for I've been away for some time.