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Van Brunt took down from a shelf a large hammer and a box of nails, and asked Ellen what size she wanted. "Pretty large." "So?" "No, a good deal bigger yet, I should like." "A good deal bigger yet who wants 'em?" "I do," said Ellen, smiling. "You do! do you think your little arms can manage that big hammer?" "I don't know; I guess so; I'll try." "Where do you want 'em driv?"

She told me all about it the night the revenue men give you sech a close shave. I was standin on the hotel porch when you driv the wagon up with the whiskey barrel on it an I heerd them a-lopin along the road after you. I thought it was all up with you for I knowed they could go faster than you.

It was necessary to put an end to this, and Jaap was ordered to prepare our packs, in readiness for the expected march. Relieved from his presence, Susquesus was asked to be more explicit. "You know Injin," the Onondago answered. "Now he t'ink red-coats driv' away and skeared, he go look for scalp.

En I'll des bet yo' back is raw whar she 's be'n beatin' you. "'Yas, 'spon' Dan, 'so it is. He had n' notice it befo', but now he felt des lack de hide had be'n tuk off'n 'im. "'En yo' thighs is des raw whar de spurrers has be'n driv' in you, sez de cunjuh man. 'You can't see de raw spots, but you kin feel 'em. "'Oh, yas, 'lows Dan, 'dey does hu't pow'ful bad.

But cold Reality said in her chillin' practical whisper, "It's nothin' but Gananoque or Clayton," and she went on, "They hain't anything like the New Jerusalem, either of them." Alas for us poor mortals! who drive or are driv by the two contendin' coharts of Imagination, Idealized Fancy and practical Reality.

One of the hosses knocked him down and befo' he could git up the wheel run over him. It made me mad, come a bitin' at my hosses, an' I driv on, but I got to thinkin' that somebody mout be accused of killin' him, so I come back, an' shore enough here you'd got a nigger tied up. The killin' was a accident." "All right, gentlemen," said Sanderson.

She did not want them to know, an they shall not; besides, thar are Folks in this cussed Settlement mean enough to begrudge her the grave Lot she has becase of what she was driv to. "Thar is one thing I want you to stop. I dont want you to hire Peter Slogan with Blood money, nur nobody else, to haul wood fur me.

They are said to have been carved way, way back by Augustus to celebrate a triumph over Antony and to have passed through the hands of Nero, Constantine and Napoleon. Napoleon, a greedy creeter always, took 'em to Paris, but had to bring 'em back. For horses that are so old and have been driv round and showed off by so many conquerors, they look pretty sound and hearty.

"Ain't had time yet," said he. "But you watch me." "What's the name of the family?" I asked as we rode along together. "Blamed if I remember exactly," replied Curly, scratching his head, "but they're shore good folks. Old man's sort o' pious, I reckon. Anyhow, that's what Tom Osby says. He driv along from Hocradle cañon with 'em on the road from Vegas.

"Look at dat spear he come near runnin' me t'rough wid! If he had, yo' could ha' driv a tipcart full o' rubbish in after it. Lawsy me!" But an hour later when Tom and his father started for the offices of the Swift Construction Company down the street, Rad and Koku were sitting before an enormous breakfast in the back kitchen and chatting together as companionably as ever.