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Der's too many for Sam to fight all by himself, but he must do someting." Whereupon Sam set to to think with all his might, and presently burst into a broad grin. "Sure enough dat do," he said; "now let me arrange all about what dey call de pamerphernalia."

You be's welcome to my little home. Yees, mine friend, you shall be so welcome as I can make you." Hanz shook him heartily by the hand, and invited him to sit down. "You be's had no shupper, eh?" he resumed. "Der's no man what comes nor goes hungry to my house." The stranger bowed and said, "Thank you you are very kind; but I supped on the other side of the sea, and have no need for any more."

"He's wake at las', an' der's de debbil to pay, a-cussin' an' roarin' an' wantin' opium; an' he wants to know whar ye bin an' what ye mean, an' ses de hosses mus' be at de do' in ten minits. Oh, de cunnel he's in de wustest kin' o' humour, dar's no doin' nuffin right fer him."

'Tony, she inquired with startling suddenness, 'why do you wear earrings? He reddened slightly. 'Because because der's a girl I like ver' much, signorina; she sink earrings look nice. I wear zem for her. 'Oh! But why do you fasten them on with thread? 'Because I no wear zem always. In Italia, yes; in Amerik', no.

"Good! den der's a chance yous fadder's alive, for if de no hab shooted him at first, de no hab de heart to shoot him arterwards. No, he'd smile away der wikitness; de couldn' do it."

Why do you wish to see your master, if you are so offended as to have forsaken him. What is your reason for staying behind?" "Don't know," vaguely responded the Kaffir. "Dis fool Congo don't know nuffin'." "Der's one thing I mus say for Congo," said Swartboy, "he mos allers tell the troof. He jus done so now." The Kaffir smiled as though satisfied with Swartboy's remark.

"Der's an end to all our 'joyment," sighed Chloe, grown more weighty in flesh; "de Lord knows what's going to become of us an' all her host o' bad niggers mixin' in wid our'n, and she domineerin' ober eberyting. O, it's an orful bad day for us, sure! An', then, that hateful boy o' her'n he's worse 'an pizen, notstan'ing his slick, ile-y ways 'tween him an' her we'll stan' mighty slim chance.

Tell ye, der's angels has der hooks in sich, and when de Lord wants him dey'll haul him in safe and sound." And Candace concluded her speech by giving a lift to her whole batch of dough and flinging it down in the trough with an emphasis that made the pewter on the dresser rattle.

"An' fore ye look at dem shelves der's annuder thing I gotter tell ye; an' dat is dat the dogs all fo' oh em is comin' in the mawnin'. Mister Floyd's coach-man done tole me so," and with a jerk and a whoop, completely ignoring his master's exclamation of joy over the return of his beloved setters, the darky threw back the door of the little cubby-hole of a room where the Black Warrior and his brethren had once rested in peace, and pointed to a row of erect black bottles backed by another of recumbent ones.

W'y, der's er old gray rat w'at uses 'bout yer, en time atter time he comes out w'en you all done gone ter bed en sets up dar in de cornder en dozes, en me en him talks by de 'our; en w'at dat old rat dunno ain't down in de spellin' book. Des now, w'en you run in and broke me up, I wuz fetchin' into my mine w'at Brer Tarrypin say ter Brer Fox w'en he turn 'im loose in de branch."