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Updated: January 20, 2025
But even with these drawbacks the colony may be said to be flourishing, and when the Kaffir war is ended, and the Kat River rebellion put down, numerous fertile valleys will be open to the squatter, and contribute from their luxuriant bosoms bountiful supplies of wealth to the colony.
And yet there was no sign of fear accompanying the act. Some other motive must have urged him to that precipitate departure. There was; and Congo was the first to discover it. The man had gone in the direction of the river. "Water, water!" exclaimed the Kaffir; "he want water."
Leonard turned away to hide the tears which started to his eyes, for the dwarf's fidelity touched him more than he cared to show. Seeing his trouble, Juanna took up the talk to cover his confusion. "I fear that you will find it cold over yonder, Otter," she said. "It is a land of fog, they tell me, and there are none of your own people, no wives or Kaffir beer.
He had got to a short distance when Mangaleesu was heard shouting "Go on, go on! they try kill! No time lose!" These words, spoken in English, were mixed up with Kaffir expressions, hurling abuse at their heads, evidently for the purpose of deceiving his countrymen.
Feeling that even here he was not safe, he left one of his waggons at Newcastle, loaded up the other with Kaffir goods such as blankets, calico, and hardware and crossed into Zululand, where in those days no sheriff's officer would be likely to follow him.
But we got a Kaffir cooking-pot, and a lot of fuel, by chopping up a manger in a stable. My only domestic loot was a baby's hat, which I eventually abandoned, and a table and looking-glass which served for fuel. But we found a nice Scotch family in a house, and bought a cabbage from them. There was a dear old lady and two daughters.
One must remember that the most savage races known to us today are practically as far different from the highest American, European or Hindu types of Man as from the highest Apes. Indeed, it would seem far easier for a high Ape to evolve into a Kaffir, Hottentot, or Digger Indian, than for the latter to evolve into an Emerson, Shakespeare, or Hindu Sage.
Voice in mammals; in monkeys and man; in man; origin of, in air-breathing vertebrates. Von Baer, see Baer. Vulpian, Prof., on the resemblance between the brains of man and the higher apes. Vultures, selection of a mate by the female; colours of. Waders, young of. Wagner, R., on the occurrence of the diastema in a Kaffir skull; on the bronchi of the black stork.
"Well, and then?" "And then, nothing. Almighty! that is all the tale. Those waves which you love to watch can tell the rest." "Most like it is some Kaffir lie, husband." "May be, but amongst these people news travels faster than a good horse, and before now there have been wrecks upon this coast. Child, put down that gun. Do you want to shoot your mother?
I'll stay and hev some rock ready for crushin' when ther mill cums." "But, dear old friend," said Sedgwick, "it will take a year, perhaps, to get a mill here from San Francisco. To leave you here you would die of the horrors with no company but these Boers." "How d' yer know but I'd make a pretty good Boer or Kaffir my own self with er little practice?" asked Jordan.
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