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"Yes," he said at length; "I go to-morrow morning. I talk deir lingo; and if dey come from up de country, as I t'ink, I make friends wid dem." I agreed to accompany him, with David and the younger Mr Rowley. Darkness at length came on; and as the mist settled once more over the ocean we were unable to see many fathoms on either side of the vessel.

Miss Dinah had come up from the village, and her ebony suitor was expected. With that and their delight at Miss Elsie's improvement, the whole staff was in excellent spirits. "It's one ob dem 'casions," said Dolf, "when we ort ter do somethin' a little out ob de common run what do yer say, Miss Clorindy?"

"It was dere fault, it was dere fault," broke in the old tutor; "dey would go out walking vid de young ladies when I warned dem not to go, and a troop of Cossacks came galloping up to dem, and carry dem both off. It almost break de young ladies' heart, and dey have not done crying yet." "Then they must be still in the neighbourhood!" exclaimed Jack, "and we may be in time to overtake them."

"Dis chile knows jess how quick fireworks kin go off. I see a big combustication of dem one summer in a hotel where I was waiting. Da had to call de fire department to put dem out an' da shot out moah dan a dozen winders, too!" "We had a similar trouble, when the yacht club had a celebration," said the captain. "A Japanese lantern dropped on some rockets and set them off.

Suddenly mammy jumped up, and waving the children off, started for the house as fast as she could trot, muttering to herself. "What is the matter?" called Olive; "has a bee stung you?" "No, nope chile, but t'inkin' 'bout dem times I done forgit I lef' a big pan o' buns a-risin' foh yoh lunch. Like's not dey's rised till dey's bust an' popped over!" And mammy disappeared amid a chorus of laughter.

Henderson an assent, and the two boys, Washington and two scientists started for the place where Annihilator was kept. "How did you happen to see it, Washington?" asked Mark. "I was out fixin' a loose board on mah chicken coop," explained the colored man, "when I seen dem two rapscallions come runnin' out ob de place. I knowed dey hadn't no right dere, an' I hollered at 'em.

"Dem's my sentiments," cried Dolf, "and I knows fair Miss Clorinda 'grees wid dem she coincidates, if yer'll 'scuse the leetle bit ob dictionery." Victoria made a grimace behind Clo's back, but said, graciously: "I'se gwine ter gib yer dat ar blue handkercher Miss Elsie gub me, Clo," she said, "so now let's make up and be comfoble."

The three colored people saw her at once, and, with the unconventionally of their old servitude, shouted out in chorus: "How do, Miss C'rona?" "Sarvint, Miss C'rona!" "Didn't 'spect to see we dem come trapesin' arter yer 'way out yere, did yer now?" And they also grinned and bobbed, and bobbed and grinned, between every word, as they tumbled off their seats and ran to meet her. Mr.

"Yes, Peter, and the robins we used to shoot and the rabbits we used to trap?" "An' dem watermillions, suh um-m-m, um-m-m-m!" "Y-e-s," returned the colonel, with a shade of pensiveness. There had been two sides to the watermelon question.

Ah membush dat we washed at de spring way, way fum de house. What dat yo say? Does ah know Ca'line. Ca'line, lawsy, me yes. Ca'line Washington we use tuh call huh, she wuz one uv Mr. Dumas niggers. We washed fuh de soldiers. Had tuh carry day clo'es tuh dem aftuh dark. Me an Ca'line had tuh carry dem. We had tuh hide de horse tuh keep de soldiers fum gittin him.