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"Eh bien, mademoiselle?" said Eve tremulously, after a long pause. "C'est deja fini. Les Arabes se retirent et nos amis se sont empares du batiment. Cela a ete l'affaire d'un moment, et que le combat a ete glorieux! Ces jeunes gens sont vraiment dignes d'etre Francais, et le vieux capitaine, aussi.

We mean to quit Paris to-morrow; I therefore enquired this evening, what was become of our aërial travellers. A very grave man replied, "Je crois, Madame, qu'ils sont dejá arrivès ces Messieurs l

Deja and comme ca, too, appeared everywhere. 'It is a net like that. I saw it already before, once. 'Monkey, he added, 'do you know what it really is? Oh, I say! 'Of course I do. She waited nevertheless for him to tell her, and he was too gallant just then in his proud excitement for personal exultation. 'It's the Star Cave it's Daddy's Star Cave.

BRUNO. Y por eso cabalmente quiero yo hablar ahora, y contar a usted.... DON PEDRO. Calla. BRUNO. Pero si no me deja usted hablar, ¿cómo quiere usted...? BRUNO. ¡No sabía yo lo de la afiladura del espadín!

Easier than these and very stimulating are Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy, and Woodworth, Dynamic Psychology. Trotter, op. cit., p. 45. The first part of this little volume is excellent. Nous etions deja si vieux quand nous sommes nes. Simia quam similis, turpissima bestia, nobis?

"Chorus of harvesters: Deja l'aurore Qui se colore " "If you do not leave me alone, I will throw the contents of this water- pitcher at your head." "I never have seen you in such a surly temper. It looks indeed as if your divinity had treated you cruelly."

La ville possède un caravanserai nous allâmes loger. Déja il y avoit des Turcs, et nous fûmes obligés d'y mettre tous nos chevaux pêle-mêle, selon l'usage; mais le lendemain matin, au moment j'apprêtois le mien pour partir, je m'aperçus qu'on m'avoit pris l'une des courroies qui me servoit

What I mean is that I got a sense of deja vu, but instead of the past converging with the present into one thought, the present seemed to converge with the future, and the result was a mysterious foreboding of something, though I couldn't tell what.

The remote had a five second delay built into it, and those five seconds were the longest of my life. Bernibus' eyes met mine, and we experienced an intra-personal deja vu, the converging of the presents of two minds. His face showed the depths of his being in that split second, and he was peaceful.

'Deja sans etre temeraire, Prenant votre vol jusqu'aux cieux, Vous pouvez egaler Voltaire, Et pres de Virgile et d'Homere. "Yes," said the king, as Voltaire ceased declaiming, and stood in rather a tragic attitude before him "yes, I confess that a sensitive nature like yours might find a thorn in these innocent rhymes.