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"She wouldn't tell us. Says if we know, we'll be sure to see things. But she is going to have a bed put up for herself and come in with us, so I'm sure it's nothing very dreadful. I'm so glad we came to Jersey just so we could know Miss Connie." "Some girl," admitted Roger. "But she can't hold a candle to Mr. Max. He's a corker." "He is nice," Frances agreed. "But show me your arithmetic.

It was not to be expected that he would, but when the whisper circled round that Acton had "coached" him in classics it was agreed that perhaps there would be another feather in Acton's cap. The masters were there on the platform in serried ranks, the whole fifty of them, from Corker to Pfenning who "does" the music.

He's holding a film he's developed, and from the look on his face I'd say he must have gotten a corker that shot." Indeed Frank could see that the approaching boy was very much excited; and it was also evident that what he was carrying so carefully before him had everything to do with his condition. "Frank, here's something that will make you sit up and take notice!" he was calling out.

Lindsey is a hearty fellow, who hasn't anything to do but live but he does that well. He's clean and square as a granite corner-stone. It will do you good to mix in with him. "And his boat is a corker! He spent a quarter of a million on it, and he 's got a French cook that would make a dead man eat. He 'll put fat on your bones, Don, and Lindsey will make you laugh. You don't laugh enough, Don.

"Well, I should say it is, and look out you blooming idiot! Do you want to get killed?" The last remark was hurled back at an indignant pedestrian who had escaped destruction by the merest chance. "Here we are," he said, as they drew up beside the entrance to the Elevated. "Thanks awfully, you're a corker, sorry to leave you this way. I'll tell you all about it later.

These things he compelled her to do, while he, a proper savage, elected to lie around camp and look on. He did nothing, absolutely nothing, except on occasion to hunt meat or catch fish." "Good for Chauffeur," Hare-Lip commented in an undertone to the other boys. "I remember him before he died. He was a corker. But he did things, and he made things go.

Every house captain looked with dread upon the house of Corker, great alike at cricket and footer, and it was agreed that very probably Phil Bourne would once more lead his men on to victory. Biffen's house did not stand much chance, for there was no superlative Acton at cricket; but it was, indeed, mainly through his efforts that Biffen's was as good as it was.

I had a wild, sudden impulse to dare fate, and tell her of all the beautiful handiwork of the Great Artificer she was the most exquisite that she was a flawless pearl gleaming pure and serene in a setting of black mud and emerald prairies that she was a a corker; and as for mine, I cared not if she were as cruel as a serpent's tooth to her fond parents, or if she couldn't tell a plugged dollar from a bridle buckle, if I might sing, chant, praise, glorify, and worship her peerless and wonderful beauty.

"That's what she done. She's a corker, ain't she?" "She shore is," says I. "Her own folks mostly reserves the right to say that, though." "I beg pardon," says he, and he got red again. "I know where I belong." "Just kind of keep on knowing where you belong and where she belongs, son," says I "it's two different propositions.