United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"My money vill come, or you vill vin, or something vill arrive to set all things right." "Let's hope so," the major said fervently. "It's a mercy to get out of these stiff and starched clothes; but I have to be careful of them, for me tailor bad cess to him! will give no credit, and there's little of the riddy knocking about. Without good clothes on me back I'd be like a sweeper without a broom."

She shares my bitter lot with me, said he, 'and I must give her all the pleasure I can for it.... To make his wife happier he took up with the officials and any kind of rubbish. And they couldn't have company without giving food and drink, and they must have a piano and a fluffy little dog on the sofa bad cess to it.... Luxury, in a word, all kinds of tricks. My lady did not stay with him long.

"Sure, it's tin minutes afther foive in the marnin'. These beds are altogidther too foine, Captain." "How's that, Flix?" asked Scott, as he opened the netting and leaped out of bed. "They're too comfor-ta-ble, bad 'cess to 'em, and a b'y cud slape till sundown in 'em till the broke o' noight." "Dry up, Flix, or else speak English," called Louis, as he left his bed.

It's a darned fine country this, where they won't give a man work, and then lay him by the heels for having no visible means of subsistence." "I am sorry to see an old soldier so reduced," said I. "What corps did you serve in?" "H Battery, Royal Horse Artillery. Bad cess to the Service and every one in it!

While his uncle planted the oats Bob and Tony laid the water pipe in the new trench, the plumbers put in the new fixtures and laid a sewer to the new cess pool.

"No, sorr, no way at all at all, sure! Not more'n five knots, cap'en honey, by the same token, the last time we hove the log at six bells, bad cess to it!"

It became so only since he had been vouchsafed this revelation of her true nature. "Bad cess to it now, it serves me right. It seems I know nothing at all of human nature. But how the devil was I to guess that a family that can breed a devil like Colonel Bishop should also breed a saint like this?"

"She's oop to no good anyhow, bad cess to the ould thafe, as sure as eggs is mate; an' may I niver ate a pratie ag'in if I'm tellin' a lie sure, for I misthrusts them Malay raskils jist as the divil hates howly wather!" "But I allers heard them Malay chaps are awful cowards," said Adams, continuing the conversation.

Barney quickly extinguished the light, but Hans lost no time in getting under the blankets, while the Irish lad made a leap to do so. Then came a cry of astonishment and fear from Hans. "Shimminy Gristmas!" exclaimed the Dutch boy. "Vot dot vos I touch me to, ain'd id?" "Shut up!" growled Barney. "Bad cess to yez! do yez phwant th' officer av th' guarrud doon on us! Kape shtill, ur "

"Can we do it?" "I think so, on shore." "All right, then. Get these natives to give us a hand and we'll go on the sand-bar for repairs. Bad cess to the whaling industry of the Eskimos! It's lost us a full two days, and perhaps the race! But we must not give up. Things can happen to airplanes, as well."