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Sir Henry Sidney, in writing to his court, had always reported John O'Neil as "the only strong man in Ireland." Before his rout at Lough Swilly, he could commonly call into the field 4,000 foot and 1,000 horse; and his two years' revolt cost Elizabeth, in money, about 150,000 pounds sterling "over and above the cess laid on the country" besides "3,500 of her Majesty's soldiers" slain in battle.

Mary hurried him upstairs and put on his best summer suit of cream-colored flannel, with the red scarf around his waist, and combed out his curly locks. "Lords, is it?" he heard her say. "An' the nobility an' gintry. Och! bad cess to them! Lords, indade worse luck."

"Bad 'cess to him!" rang in vigorous denunciation from the cook. "Why didn't ye send him 'mejitly about his business? It's trouble he'll bring to us all and no mistake!" "That was what I feared," assented her now thoroughly composed mistress. "So when Nixon said just now that Mr.

Seven of my tenants, whose joint rent-mail may mount to wellnigh a hundred merks, have already refused to pay either cess or rent, and had the assurance to tell my steward that they would acknowledge neither king nor landlord but who should have taken the Covenant."

That bloody vampire Jeffreys bad cess to him! sentenced me to death, and his worthy master James Stuart afterwards sent me into slavery, because I had performed an act of mercy; because compassionately and without thought for creed or politics I had sought to relieve the sufferings of a fellow-creature; because I had dressed the wounds of a man who was convicted of treason.

"Thank you, Frank," replied Mogue, "oh, then, bad cess to it for a dirty mist God pardon me for cursin' the poor mist though, for sure it wasn't it's fault, the crathur of a mist we oughn't to curse anything that God has made, but indeed I'm a great sinner that way, God forgive me; howandever as I was sayin', only for it afther all, Mr.

I think we can carry the greatest part of it in our heads without a kylevine pen and a pair of tablets, such as you bring to conventicles. She denies paying cess, I think, Andrews?" "Yes, by G ," said Andrews; "and she swore it was a sin to give a trooper a pot of ale, or ask him to sit down to a table."

Whoa, darlin'! Bad cess to ye, ye roachbacked Prodestan' baste, kape off iv thim flower beds! Have yez no manners at all, at all? Be all th' saints in glory I'll larrup th' head off iv yez or I w'u'd if I wasn't afraid ye'd buck me onto the roof. Yez have me crippled intirely as ut is." "Not a word, for your life!" Wade whispered. "That's a star monologue!"

Never mind, Carlo," cried George, "it is only a single shot by what I can see, 'tisn't like when Will put the whole charge into you, rabbit-shooting, is it, Carlo? No, says he; we don't care for this, do we, Carlo?" cried George, rather boisterously. "Make him go into that pool, there," said Robinson; "then he won't have fever." "I will; here cess! cess!"

And if it worn't that you hadn't bad cess to the luck of it! your own bit of a stick in your hand, wouldn't you have knocked the life out of him for the name he put on your sisther, Miss Feemy? the blackguard!" "And did you hear him, Pat?" "Shure I did, yer honer." "And did you see him?" "See him, yes, shure; I seed him riz his big stick, and I thought it was nigh kilt you were."