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Updated: January 15, 2025
She paused a moment, considering not what could be said, but what could be omitted from a missive which was to be convincing as well as caressing in its nature, when Helene entered the room. "Love letter, Rose?" she inquired carelessly. "Certainly," responded her friend, "all my letters are love letters. Would you have me write to a person I didn't love?"
Placing upon the floor the small hand-lamp which he carried, he flung himself carelessly down on the stone bench; and, with an evil smile hovering about his lips, began to jeer at my unfortunate situation. "Well, signor Englishman," he commenced, "how like you your new lodging? It is scarcely so large, and I fear it is not as elegantly furnished, as Francesca Paoli's silken chamber, is it?
He had, moreover, the mystic understanding which is essential if one would be really intimate with the kindreds we carelessly call dumb. So it was that he achieved a fair degree of concord in his Family. All the creatures were amiable towards him, because they loved him; and because they wholesomely feared him, they were amiable in the main towards each other.
Here the parson paused, leaned over and picked up a small piece of white paper lying upon the floor. He glanced carelessly at it at first, but as he read the words written thereon his eyes opened wide. He looked at his wife, who was intently watching the baby, and an amused expression broke over his face. Then came the inevitable chuckle. "What is it now, Daniel?" his wife questioned.
The presentations had been carelessly made, and Buckingham, with the rest of the English gentlemen, had been introduced to Monsieur, from whom they had received but very indifferent attention.
They move a finger carelessly, and forget that that finger may crush to death hundreds whose names they never heard and every soul of them as precious in God's sight as Cyril's own. 'What is the matter, my father? asked Philammon. 'You seem deeply moved about this woman.... 'And she is Miriam's slave? 'Her freedwoman this four years past, said the porter.
Only those who could carelessly afford to pay ten per cent. more than anywhere else, patronised him, and so excellent was his service that they could not afford to go elsewhere. His horses and delivery wagons were more expensive and finer than any one else's in town. He paid his drivers, and clerks, and bookkeepers higher wages than any other store could dream of paying.
But it's not the first time we have met, nor the first time we have argued, and so we have probably by now had ample opportunity for expressing our own views and learning those of others. Why, then, do you take so much trouble? Uttering these words, the small man carelessly flicked the ash off his cigar into the fireplace, dropped his eyelids, and smiled serenely. We all ceased speaking.
They were already riding into the open. In front of one of the log cabins the man who had called himself Flatray swung from his saddle. "Better 'light, lieutenant," he suggested carelessly. "We'll eat breakfast here." "Don't care if we do. I could eat a leather mail sack, I'm that hungry," the ranger answered, as he, too, descended.
"Beautiful, indeed," replied we carelessly, and then sotto voce to our friend "poor Rossi, pleased at our sincere sympathy at his late sad bereavements he has lost two charming daughters within a month insisted upon transferring it to us quite as a regallo at twenty piastres," these words were spoken in a low tone of voice, but Don Gaetano made it a point to hear every thing.
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