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Updated: January 15, 2025
Helen turned away so they might not see her emotion. Kenneth laughed lightly as he kissed the old woman's cheek, and then, slipping a bank note into her hand, he said carelessly: "All right, Mary, I'll be careful. I'll come back safe and sound, never fear, and I'll bring you something nice, perhaps a big diamond. Out in South Africa they pick 'em up like stones."
When the governor heard the noise from his cabin, thinking that the galley was dragging and that the crew were lowering the awning and taking to the oars, he hurried carelessly out bareheaded through the hatchway of the cabin. Several Chinese were awaiting him there and split his head with a catan.
Lasse had grown more erect in his anger, and had a keen look in his eyes. He walked quickly along the foddering passage, and threw the things about carelessly, for Pelle's adventurous proposal had infected him with youth. In the intervals of their work, they collected all their little things and packed the green chest.
In consequence of the temper which engendered the above no very flattering compliment to the society at the Castle, Miss Dundas descended to the dining-room with sulky looks and a chilling air. She ate what the baronet laid on her plate with an indolent appetite, cut her meat carelessly, and dragged the vegetables over the table-cloth.
It is great imprudence to determine what business children shall be of before their tempers and inclinations are well known. Every one is best in his own profession and this should not be determined on rashly and carelessly.
"You mean they are waiting for a runner from the North?" inquired Cameron. "If the Crees win the fight then the Piegans will rise? Is that it?" The Indian nodded. "Come Cree Indian then Piegan fight." "They will not rise until the runner comes, eh?" "No." Cameron breathed more easily. "Is that all?" he inquired carelessly. "This day Eagle Feather run much cattle beeg beeg run."
She didn't read it in an orderly way even then; seemed to be trying to worry the meaning out of it, like one stripping off husks to get down to some sort of kernel inside. Satisfied that she had got it at last, she dropped the letter carelessly on the floor, subsided a little deeper into her chair and turned a brooding face toward the outdoor light and away from him.
Montcalm, in his turn, slightly bowed, but it was with the air of a man too practised to remember the language of flattery. After musing a moment, he added: "It is possible my glasses have deceived me, and that your works resist our cannon better than I had supposed. You know our force?" "Our accounts vary," said Duncan, carelessly; "the highest, however, has not exceeded twenty thousand men."
His supper he cooked himself: some fish were given to him for this purpose, which, without any previous preparation whatever, he threw carelessly on the fire, and when they became warm took them up, and first rubbed off the scales, peeled the outside with his teeth, and ate it; afterwards he gutted them, and laying them again on the fire, completed the dressing, and ate them.
'Yes, poor devil! replied Ralph, drawing on his gloves. 'Though Newman Noggs kept his horses and hounds once. 'Ay, ay? said the other carelessly. 'Yes, continued Ralph, 'and not many years ago either; but he squandered his money, invested it anyhow, borrowed at interest, and in short made first a thorough fool of himself, and then a beggar.
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