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He had never before caressed her in any way. Horace stood up, almost mastered by his new emotion. "Fledra," he breathed, "Fledra, can't you trust me? Dear child, I love you so!" Stunned by his words, Fledra stared at him. His voice had vibrated with something she had never heard before. His eyes were brilliant and pleading. "Fledra, can't you can't you love me?"

"No." said the hunter; "I can't tell you where such hermits live, but there is a notorious robber living in these parts. It is said that he is chief of a band of two hundred followers."

But why should you despise us chaps for not doing what you can't do yourself?" "Can't do?" He opened his eyes. "Haven't I done it in twenty volumes? I do it in my way," he continued. "Go YOU and don't do it in yours." "Ours is so devilish difficult," I weakly observed. "So's mine. We each choose our own. There's no compulsion. You won't come down and smoke?" "No. I want to think this thing out."

I will ride down to-night or to-morrow, and speak to Mr. Fuller. You can be thinking it over. You have been a good girl I owe you something. If you can't stand it there and I know you can't I will give you papers of manumission and money to take you to Richmond. You have a close mouth do not speak of this. Well, keep up heart and God bless you."

As the captain pronounced the name of his hero, he struck his worn book a resounding slap, and his jaws clicked in emphasis of his statement. "Can't you tell us something about him?" asked Chester, fascinated by the old captain's earnestness. "That's the ticket -I mean, please do," endorsed Billy heartily.

I supposed that the Archbishop of Canterbury wouldn't have married me the second time, because the Church isn't supposed to approve of divorces. But I was married in church all right, by a very good man. And Church disapproval can't possibly extend to the second generation, you know. Oh no! So far as its being possible goes, there's nothing to prevent your marrying her." "Except Mrs.

"Out, thief!" he cried. "You can't sell us anything; so we don't want you hanging round this office. You might steal the safe or a roll-top desk, or something." Heyfuss departed, laughing good-naturedly, and Matt Peasley turned to confront Cappy Ricks. The latter had shrunk up in his chair and was looking as chopfallen and guilty as a dog caught sucking eggs.

What's money for if you can't buy the one thing you want worst of all? That's where men have got the best of it; they can buy love. I wish I was a man; I wish I was Buddy! I'd have my day, my week and as much more as I could pay for. I'd have happiness that long if it broke my heart. But I'm a girl!" It was with a sudden interest that Gray studied the speaker.

"But it can, and it will," cried Kendrick. "I'm going to lay a stretch of track in Reuton with your joints. That's all you need they'll have to use 'em then. We'll force the Civic into it. We can do it, Quimby we surely can." Quimby rubbed his hand across his eyes. "You'll lay a stretch of track " he repeated. "That's great news to me, Mr. Kendrick. I I can't thank you now." His voice was husky.

Oh" with a quick gesture of her small brown hands "she must have been!" "I don't know so much about the 'must have been," Roger had admitted ruefully. "She cared once for someone else." "Who was it?" Isobel's question shot out as swiftly as the tongue of an adder. "I can't tell you," he answered reluctantly. He wished to God he could!