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Without waiting for further questioning, he plunged into Crimean reminiscences of Bertie Du Meresq, whom he had seen nearly every day till his death, to all of which poor Cecil listened with breathless interest, and yet she knew there was something more to come.

She smiled as, with an access of tenderness, in spite of his experience and power she suddenly felt years older than Ditmar. She could help him!... She was breathless when she reached the shop in Faber Street. "I hope I haven't kept you waiting," she said. "Oh no, we don't close until ten," answered the saleswoman. She was seated quietly sewing under the lamp.

Nevertheless, we made an urgent appeal to our energies, and after two or three tumbles, drawn forward by one, pushed by another, we finally reached a snow hillock, on which we fell breathless. We were out of danger. It required some time to recover ourselves. We stretched out on the snow with a feeling of comfort which every one will understand.

However, this new situation had removed the diffidence that had affected her; their relations were less matter of fact and more romantic, and she felt toward him as any woman feels who knows an admirer pursues her breathless with the wonder of it, but holding aloof, tantalizing, whimsical, and uncertain of herself. She looked at him challengingly, mockery in her eyes.

"It was a close shave for all hands," said Captain Jeb, permitting himself a long-drawn sigh of relief, as Dan, after shaking himself like a water-dog, sank down, a little pale and breathless, at his side. "And you were what most folk would call a consarned fool, matey. Didn't you hear me say these 'ere waters had sharks in 'em?"

Doubly shocked at this, he raised his weapon to the perpendicular, and knocked some tropical bird violently off the lower branches of a tree. It fluttered screeching to the ground, and bounced angrily into the bushes. The whole band of hunters came to a sudden and breathless halt, but no word was uttered.

The text was, "Walk in love, as Christ also loved us," and the latter part of his discourse was on the lesson from the Good Samaritan, as to "who is my neighbour." There was at the end a long pause of breathless silence, and then he called on everyone present to offer up the following prayer: "Lord, give me a broken heart to receive the love of Christ, and obey His commands."

Breathless, but not subdued every nerve in my body quivering with excitement I pursued my way, as I thought, toward the stone staircase feeling the air with my outstretched hands as I groped along. In a little while I met with an obstruction it was hard and cold a stone wall, surely? I felt it up and down and found a hollow in it was this the first step of the stair?

Sam waddled off to the brook above the marsh to rinse the mud from his nether man before facing his mother, and was just wringing himself out when Ben came up, breathless but good-natured, for he felt that he had made an excellent bargain for himself and friends. "Better wash your face; it's as speckled as a tiger-lily.

You are pretty and clever enough to wheedle secrets out of Thurston's self even, now you have apparently become reconciled to him." For the first time since the revelations that followed Leslie's downfall a red brand of shame and anger flamed in Millicent's cheeks. She rose, facing the speaker with an almost breathless "How dare you? Is there no limit to the price I must pay for my folly?